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 Artwork by Zeke Abbott, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus 

Buckley House Term One Highlights 

By Ben Gistelinck Gusman Year 6, Buckley House

Sweat glazes my skin as I stare at the wrought-iron gate looming in front of me. It seems to drain all my strength when I open it, sucking me of my emotion. I continue forward, each step more wobbly than the last. My head spins in dizzying circles, my mind scattered like cards on a table. The box in my hands seems heavier the further I go, weighing me down like a paper weight. I gather the strength to scale the carpeted stairs before opening the pale yellow door of my Grade 6 room at Buckley House. 

Cordellia Tully, Year 9, UC
Cordellia Tully, Year 9, UC

Suddenly, the scenery changes, my emotions twirling like a ferris wheel. A vivid warmth lingers in my heart as I look at the smiling face of my Foundation buddy. His skin is softer than a pillow which seems to turn my senses into a mush. His giggles are filled with complex emotion but before I succumb to the overwhelming cuteness the scenery shifts again. 


This time, the dizzying smell of chlorine fills my nose, water running across my face. Plentiful cheers rise from the crowd as my fingers near the white tile wall. I step out of the water before removing my goggles and slowly jog to the green banner. Mr. Mac hands me a navy blue “First place” cloth. Other people wearing house-coloured swimming caps appear to be claiming ribbons as well, showing that I’m not alone with my success. 


Before claiming a seat on the saturated wooden bench the scenery shifts again, making bile rise up my throat. This time the scenery feels unfamiliar. Mr. Feben stands at the front of the mini-oval, getting ready to announce the winners of the chocolate banquet. My mouth waters at the mere thought of the endless brown sweetness at my hands. Mr. Feben takes a breath and the crowd breathes in anticipation before the scenery shifts one final time. 


I find myself standing in the midst of my Year 6 classroom. Excited chatter resonates, as I check the date on the gleaming whiteboard. April 6th, the final day of term. My body seems to become hyper-active, pumping blood through my veins. I race to the locker, grabbing my bag and unleashing the hastiest and hopefully most heart-felt ‘good afternoon’ before speeding out of the familiar pale, yellow door, ready to enjoy my holidays.

Stella Rose, Year 9, UC
Stella Rose, Year 9, UC

My Foundation Buddy 

By Arendia Karasavvvdis Year 6, Buckley House


I met my Foundation buddy today!

She enjoys to dance, laugh and play!

She is extremely cute!

Her playfulness is absolute!

Whenever I visit her I whisper a, "Yay!"


I met my Foundation buddy today!

I will adore her in every way!

Her hair is like silk,

It shines like milk!

Her smile is like a bright sun ray!


I met my Foundation buddy today!

I will think of her every single day!

When I give her a tickle, 

All I can hear is her giggle!

And then inside of my arms she will lay.