Charity and Service at Ivanhoe

Artwork by Theadora Hally, Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Cambodia Fundraising Event

 By Emily Malcolm & Siri Chilamkurti Year 11, The Ridgeway Campus

Everyone who participates in the Cambodia service trip, is tasked with fundraising money ($500+ each) which is donated to locals, or used to buy new products or services which will help poorer schools and communities within the regions we visit in Cambodia. In previous years, the money students have raised has helped to repair damaged school classrooms, construct new toilets or has bought new teaching supplies including general stationery, white boards, etc.

For our next service trip to Cambodia, we have contacted the schools and communities we are visiting, to get a better understanding of what work can be done to improve the conditions and quality of life. For example, some of the money students raise this year will contribute to rebuilding a concrete path alongside classrooms at a local school. At the moment, every time it rains, the classrooms flood, due to the poorly constructed paths, which prevents the students from receiving an education. Additionally, we plan to find a solution to the school’s rubbish disposal issue, by paying for a regular collection service. We will also be purchasing new classroom materials to help teach English to eager students. 


Hopefully, with the help of our fundraising money, we can eradicate these issues and enhance the conditions of this school and community. 





A couple of months ago my friend and I organised a stall in the Eaglemont Market as we saw it as an opportunity for us not only to raise money for a good cause but to also to discover the events within our community. In the morning of the market the street was lined up with stalls filled with a range of goods, there were handmade accessories and crystals as well as delicious food stalls and trucks. Our stall was located at the very back of the market and was decorated with the various items we were able to sell. I sold some Christmas candles I made at home while my friend baked some delicious fresh cookies which were very popular. Our stall also sold bags, pre-loved items and more with all our profits going towards Cambodian fundraisers. Overall it was a very fun and successful experience and I loved being able to know that somehow I will make a difference in Cambodia!

By Kiara, Year 12, TRC
By Kiara, Year 12, TRC

World to Dinner Fundraising Event 

By Tom Sinnett, Year 12, The Ridgeway Campus

The ‘World to dinner’ fundraising night on the 21st of March involved raising awareness surrounding food insecurity. The night aimed to replicate the unequal distribution of food. This was achieved through a raffle draw, in which the winners of the draw were granted a privileged meal while everyone else received a more basic meal. The fundraiser also involved a speech from Marcus Godinho from Fareshare who spoke about how thousands of Australians are not as fortunate as we are and struggle to put a basic meal on the table. Marcus discussed how critical volunteering for organisations such as Fareshare is, that allows the community to assist those who are in need of support. 

By Caitlyn Shaw, Year 12, TRC
By Caitlyn Shaw, Year 12, TRC

There was also a student lead initiative in which small groups were broken off to participate in a simulator called spent. Spent is an interactive game that challenges you to manage your money, raise a child and make it through the month getting paid minimum wage. It highlighted how difficult it can be to just get by where you are on a severely low income. By the end of the fundraiser, it was clear that everyone had gained a better understanding of what food insecurity is and how privileged we are. A key message sent to all was how a small act of kindness can have a significant impact on another’s life.