Student News

Learn what opportunities our students have been taking on

Year 10 Art

Ms. Moar's Year 10 art students have completed their artwork inspired by the process contemporary artist, Amanda Marburg, uses in her work. The students recreated a “less than accurate” model of a famous artwork using plasticine, photographed their model and then completed an oil painting to very accurately depict their photographs. Well done!


Art and Photography Excursion

On Monday 3 April, students enrolled in the Yr 10 Art elective and Yr 8/9 photography elective went to the Horsham Regional Art Gallery to see an exhibition of work by Australian photographer Bill Henson and other works within the gallery collection on display. Bill Henson’s exhibition, The Light Fades but the Gods Remain, included photographs taken in the 1980’s and then 2018/19 of Glen Waverly, the suburb he grew up in. The photographs were atmospheric landscape scenes of memories of his connection to the Melbourne suburb.

Students were given a tour by the gallery curator and then were free to view other works, finding their favourite to write an analytical response to. Finally, some students shared their responses to their favourite artworks with their peers. This was a great opportunity to visit a gallery space, see the work of professional artists and practice our skills analysing what we could see, what we thought it meant and looking to deepen our understanding about artworks.

University visits - Australian Catholic University

During the holidays, a group of Year 10 and Year 11 students attended sessions at the Australian Catholic University Ballarat campus that gave them an insight into life as a university student.


The students participated in workshops that focused on the following areas: Education, Nursing, Paramedicine, Physiotherapy.


The students also participated in a Q&A session with past graduates from ACU.

Congratulations to the students for being proactive in exploring future pathway options.



School captains Larissa Barber and Rory Doran along with Year 11 student Jorja Clode participated in both the Dawn and Commemorative Services on ANZAC Day. Students were involved in laying a wreath on behalf of the College and reading a letter and poem. 


Year 9 Camp - Torquay

 This week, Year 9 students are on camp in Torquay. They have been participating in outdoor activities including surfing, kayaking and mountain biking. Thank you to the staff who have accompanied them.