Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Oliver A

For his efforts when writing independently (Rick D3) 

Sophie Mc

For always contributing to classroom discussion (Holly D4)

Tahlia C

For writing fantastic rhyming sentences! (Hannah D5)

Elly Mc

For being supportive and encouraging towards her peers (Jessica M1)

Remi G

For her efforts to perfect her letter formation during handwriting practice (Rebecca M2)

Grace B

For always showing beautiful manners in the classroom and treating others with respect. Well done, Grace! (Miss Woodfield & Ms K M4)

Willow P

For always showing respect to others. Well done, Willow. You are a pleasure to have in M5 (Amelia M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Chayse M

For always being respectful towards others (Mrs Brown B1)

Jordynn M

For thinking creatively and looking at things in different perspectives (Brooke B3)

Evelynn M

For demonstrating confidence in class participation. Well done! (Lauren B5)

Alby G

For always following our classroom agreement and sharing your knowledge with your peers (Kyra & Emily P S1)

Jazmine R

for being super responsible and an excellent role model to others (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Kai G

For always being a loyal friend and looking out for others (Mr C S3)



Liam M D5

For learning how to use our Beebots (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Imogen D M5

For demonstrating confident programming of her Beebot (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Riley H B4

For using our Lego to build and program an impressive racing car (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Jayden F B4

For using our Lego to build and program an impressive racing car (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Archie F S2

For cooperative construction of Lego WeDo creations (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Jon D S2

For cooperative construction of Lego WeDo creations (Mr Mitchell STEM)

Calais D M4

For being such a resilient student in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Axel G M3

For being an excellent listener in P.E. Class (Katherine PE)

Fletcher P M3

For brilliant listening and participating in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Sadie M4

For being such a cheerful, positive student at school and in P.E. (Katherine PE)

Andrew B M5

For sharing the story of his artwork (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Blake H M3

For being a focused artist and creating detailed work (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Asha M M3

For staying focused and making detailed drawings in art (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Jared Y M3

For creating detailed drawing in art (Mrs Bleicher VA)

Harry G M1

For sharing his ideas during art (Mrs Bleicher VA)

John S M2

for making great learning choices during art (Mrs Bleicher VA)