School News 

Teeth on Wheels

We are excited to have Teeth on Wheels visiting our school for a dental visit on the 19/06/2023.


Below is a link to their E-form which needs to be completed by the 12/06/2023 for your child to participate.


Teeth on Wheels are focused on providing a positive dental experience and specialise with working with children. They can provide check-up and clean appointments, as well as treatment onsite and will be able to advise you if your child is eligible to receive dental care for FREE under the Child Dental Benefit Schedule.


Please complete your form today and the Teeth on Wheels team will be in contact to confirm and schedule your child’s appointment.

Beleza Uniform Sale

As we head into the cooler months, Beleza will be holding a 20% off sale on the Miners Rest Primary School spray jacket to help your families prepare for winter! The sale will be running in the first two weeks of May, from Monday 1st of May to Saturday 13th of May.