Year 7

Camp this year was exceptionally good for many reasons like the food, the activities, the camp staff and the cabins. The activities were extremely fun, and also made everyone challenge themselves by leaving their comfort zone to an extent that suited them. The camp staff were well trained, helpful and always fun to be around.The food at the camp was very tasty and there was a wide variety of dishes to choose from.The cabins were well spaced and in good condition, although the beds could've been slightly more comfortable. Overall the camp was a great experience and I would highly recommend it.
Samson K
Camp was a great experience to bond and collaborate with our classmates, many of the large friendship groups were split up for the activity groups, You had one or two of your friends in the group but the rest was mixed with everyone else. The teachers did a great job at organising the cabins, the activity groups, and just the activities in general. In the cabins you had all your good mates so that you could hang out and relax with one another. I feel as though I can speak for all of the yr 7s when I say that it was a great experience and that it was thoroughly enjoy.
Beth B
Year 7 update
Last week the year 7 cohort had two informative incursions.
On Tuesday 30th of May, a member of the Optus team spoke to us about cyber security. He demonstrated a secure website that would inform the strength of our passwords. Passphrases are stronger than passwords as they are longer and have multiple words. Scams can destroy people's lives by taking money and other personal information. We were informed of how to identify a scam and not to respond to keep ourselves safe.
Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. Some cyberbullying crosses the line into unlawful or criminal behaviour. Cyber bullying has grave consequences. Did you know you can be fined anywhere from $2,000 to $110,000!
On Wednesday 31st May, we gathered to hear from John Hendry. John was very insightful and discussed the importance of quality relationships. Quality relationships have 5 basic elements 1. Trust, 2. Forgiveness, 3. Integrity, 4. Hope, 5. Compassion. With quality relationships we can build the future we want for ourselves and the culture we want for our community. Fun fact! If you reverse Forgive it’s Givefor. Who will you give for today?
Our teachers work towards optimal learning for all students. Following the Yerkes-Dodson Law there's an optimal level of arousal that results in optimal learning. Too little arousal doesn't provide much in the way of motivation. Too much arousal causes a stronger stress reaction that can hamper learning. We want to be in the optimal learning zone. Guided by John, we tried a mindfulness exercise relaxed with our eyes closed for 30 seconds. This was a challenge for some people, but it was good to know how we as learners can actively try to maintain the optimal zone for learning.
The Year 7 student Support Team thanks all students for completing the Transition to Coburg Survey. All students commented on how grateful they are to all those who supported their transition to Coburg High School. It’s great that we have shown such independence and resilience, however it’s important to reach out for help too. For the remainder of the term, let’s keep focusing on getting work done on time. Remember your homegroup teacher and student support team are there for you!
Jake C & Ashley L 7G