Junior Classroom News

F/1/2 News



The F/1/2s have had a great two weeks of learning. It has been amazing to see how much all the students have learnt and grown so much this year.

Throughout our Religion unit, we have learnt about the events leading up to Jesus’ death. All the students are drawing upon this learning to make a book about Holy Week. 

In Cross Curriculum we have moved onto our second question of the unit: What makes a place special? We have started investigating what places are special to them and why they are special.

In Maths, the students have shown great progress in using a variety of addition strategies, especially counting on using their fingers or number lines. We will continue to investigate addition and subtraction over the next few weeks.

In English, we have been focusing on the characters in narratives, which is the first part of the 5 finger retell. We have been reading fiction texts and identifying the main characters and other characters. The students have engaged in discussions where they describe the characters using adjectives and have started using their imagination to develop their own characters.


                               3/4 News

This fortnight in the grade 3/4 room we have been busy learning lots of new things! 

In maths we have been collecting data to create bar graphs. We each created a question to ask the class and collected the data. We learnt that it is very important to display our results accurately so the can be interpreted correctly.

In cross curriculum we are learning about the continents- especially our continent we live on! 

In Religion we are learning about Pentecost- we loved listing to a godly play and responding through writing and craft.