Learning and Teaching - Work Samples Portfolios
Work Sample Portfolios
Student Work Sample Portfolios form an integral part of our Assessment and Reporting program.
Portfolios are sent home to parents/carers at the end of Term 1 and Term 3, with pieces of work collected throughout that term. (Every term in Prep.)
We emphasise that these work samples are NOT intended to be ‘perfected’ pieces of work. They are:
- samples of your children’s work as it is presented at the time
- simply a ‘snapshot’ of your child’s learning
- an opportunity for your child to share their learning
The assessment format for portfolios reflects how skills are assessed in the Semester One and Two Reports.
The following levels of achievement are used to assess Target Skills used in our Portfolios and Reports:
Skill has not been demonstrated. | Beginning to show some elements of the skill. | Elements of the skill are evident but further practise is required. | Consistently demonstrates the skill in tasks. | Able to transfer the skill into other learning areas. |
This week, your child’s Work Sample Portfolio will be sent home with four pieces of work collected by teachers throughout Term 1. There will also be an additional piece that has been chosen by the student as their WOW Learning for Term 1.
Please take some time to look through the portfolio WITH your child.
A Parent Response Sheet is also included. It is very powerful for children to receive praise and feedback from parents and family members. We strongly encourage parents/carers to record one or two dot points of feedback for your child. You may like to use the following sentence starters:
- I noticed that…
- I can see how you…
- I noticed the improvement you are making when…
- Something you can work on is…
- I am proud of…
Please return Work Sample Portfolios back to school by Monday 1st May 2023.
If you have any questions regarding assessment and reporting, please feel free to speak to your child’s classroom teacher, or our Learning and Teaching Leader - Jill Palermo.