Learning and Teaching in 1/2KG

Term 1 has been an exciting, fun filled and enriching learning experience for the students in 1/2KG. We have been busy using many skills to enhance our learning, including questioning, collaborating, sharing, measuring, listening and problem solving. 


Last Monday, the students had the opportunity to be involved in the Kitchen Garden Program. First, they picked the juicy, ripe tomatoes from the veggie patch and sorted them into piles. They then got into groups, to prepare and then cook a yummy tomato sauce for some pasta. What a wonderful experience for them to see the process of growing, picking and then cooking their own food. It was definitely one of the highlights of our week!




This term, the students met their buddies from Grade 5 for the first time. We shared lunch together and read some fun picture story books too. We love our buddies. During Harmony Week, the students and buddies made harmony wristbands and bracelets, and then read some special stories to celebrate the special message of what ‘harmony’ means to them. 



We also had a directed drawing lesson and drew an Easter bunny. After drawing the bunny, we carefully traced it over with black texta. Using colourful paints, we painted our bunnies and did a “special wash” to make our pictures come alive. We are very proud of our pictures.