Mrs Luisa Cecala

R U OK? Day

Thursday 8th September 2022 is R U OK? Day. It is a national day of action dedicated to inspiring everyone to regularly ask each other ‘Are you OK?’. On this day all children will be invited to wear something YELLOW and they will participate in activities in their classrooms. 


Next term, on Thursday 6th October, will be having a whole school incursion run by Supreme Incursion and a Subway lunch. 


Prep to Two students will participate in a mindfulness incursion that will focus on the zones of regulation and focus.

Year Three to Six students will participate in a team building incursion that will focus on problem solving and tough situations. 



At Holy Name, we have introduced ‘GAME TIME’ at lunch time once a week. During this time, one of our wonderful Learning Support Officers will be outside to support students who may not be able to find a friend to play with, may be feeling heightened or out of sorts, to participate in supported play. The activities may vary from arts and crafts, board games or blocks and students will need to write their names down to track attendance.