
Learning & Teaching/Wellbeing/Faith & Farm

Seesaw Schedule


Hi families,

Over the coming weeks, you will notice that our Seesaw Learning Posts have been created in collaboration with our children. The posts will feature a reflection of a piece of work that they believe shows their current achievement and “next steps” in their learning. As always, each post will be based on our learning progressions, which have been adapted from the Victorian F-10 Curriculum. We believe that this process will strengthen your child’s voice and agency in talking about their learning and progress. This is a trial process that we will evaluate and refine its effectiveness at the end of the year.

We look forward to sharing the children’s reflections and goals for their learning!

St. John’s team.


Book Week was a tremendous success! The joy was palpable, particularly on our celebration day, last Friday. Children were immersed in literature, including the short-listed books and had a ball sharing their costumes at our Book Week parade. Our prep children had the opportunity to engage in a live performance from Damian Peck, and children in the 1 to 6 hubs engaged in a livestream performance by ‘Perform’. 

Thank you to all for your support and engagement on the day!




P-2 Learning Walk and Community Conversation

On Wednesday, we hosted several parents of children in our P-2 Hub for a learning walk and community conversation with a focus on reading strategies. Families engaged in dialogue about their successes and wonderings about how best to support their children’s reading at home. They had the opportunity to engage in a learning walk through the Prep, 1 and 2 hubs, where they saw powered reading and a mini lesson in action. 

Here are some of the slides that were shared during the community conversation:




We are excited to host families for our upcoming 3-6 Learning Walk and Community Conversation with a focus on Book Clubs. Please see the flyer below for further details and RSVP link:


If you have any further questions about how you can support your child’s reading, speaking and listening or writing at home, or any other Literacy-related questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Daniela De Luca

Literacy Coach




Wellbeing & Learning Diversity

Snapshot of Wellbeing at St. John's 

Earlier this term, the children in Grade 2 to 6 completed an online survey PAT SEW to provide a snapshot of current cohort wellbeing indicators in all aspects of their lives including school life, family life and community life. The questions were designed to provide insights into how our students, as a group, are managing their wellbeing at this present time.  It is worth noting that this survey also gives us valuable information in regard to current needs and future directions for learning and teaching in the area of Wellbeing at St. John’s. The student data for children in Grades Prep and 1 was compiled via a teacher survey rather than a student survey due to the age of the students. 


Some snapshot data included: 


Grade 2-6  - Feelings & Behaviours and Internal Strengths  

  • Children at St. John’s generally consider themselves to be happy people and like the kind of person they are 
  • In years 3-6, some children are finding it hard to control their big feelings
  • Generally most children at St. John’s feel safe from danger 
  • Generally most children at St. John’s strive to do better in their schoolwork 
  • Generally most children at St. John’s feel that they are liked by their peers and they feel like they know how to make friends 
  • As children get older, they have indicated that they are becoming more concerned with worries about what others will think of them
  • Generally most children at St. John’s feel that they get along with their teachers 
  • Generally most children at St. John’s like being at school 
  • As children get older, they have indicated that they are becoming more concerned with being able to solve conflicts with their peers
  • As children get older, they have identified that it’s harder to talk to someone when they feel bad or have worries 
  • A number of older students have identified a need to develop ways to avoid impulsive responses 
  • A number of younger students have identified a need to develop their emotional literacy (the ability to talk about and describe their feelings)
  • Some older students have identified a need to learn skills to regulate their emotions and their mood

This data will support the planning and implementation of Wellbeing approaches into 2023.  We value the voice of our students and will continue to work closely with them to support their personal and social capabilities as they learn to manage their Wellbeing as they grow. 


Karen Dodemaide

Co-Deputy Principal and Wellbeing Leader 



Ashlee Owen

Learning Diversity Leader




An angel of the Lord appeared to [Joseph] in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”

…When Joseph woke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him.

Matthew 1:20-24



This Father’s Day, we celebrate all the fathers and father figures in our lives, who like Joseph, have devoted their lives to the education, protection, safety and care of all. We are reminded through Joseph’s selflessness, in accepting his role as fostered father to Jesus, of all the father figures in our lives who have borne the responsibility of nurturing the development and growth of the children in their lives.


Season of Creation:

Happy Season of Creation to all! This is a time that begins today (1st September) and extends until the 4th of October. We are reminded through St Francis of Assisi, as well as Pope Francis, our calling to care for our common home, and sit in awe/wonder about the wonderful world we live in.


Sacrament of Eucharist:

We are very excited and eagerly anticipating our Sacrament of Eucharist celebration on Sunday 11th September at 10:00am at Our Lady’s in Maidstone.

Left to right: Thomas, Jackson, Alana, Caitlin, Willow, Lola, Violet, Freya, Amelia, Eva, Elijah, Enzo, Audrey, Liam

Not pictured: Gabriela, Harry, Isla, Manoj


Please keep our children in your thoughts and prayers as they prepare to receive their First Communion. 


Prayer Gatherings:

Our prayer gatherings this term will centre the faith history of St John’s, through the life of Mary Mackillop, and those who have been inspired by her leadership and commitment to faith and education. 

Our prayer gatherings will run as follows:

  • Friday 2nd SeptemberWho Is Alex Mackillop?: Three/Four Hub
  • Friday 16th September (morning): Who Is Flora Mackillop?: Prep Hub

Mitch Hayes

(Faith/REL Leader)
