Hub Happenings

From being waterwise to working out "how far you would go to defend your Hub?", Year 7 have been busy in Term 3


Term 3 has been an exciting term. We have been so excited to welcome back many workshops and activities, which Covid certainly deprived us of. The Year 7 hub students have been spending this term completing the final few weeks of Project 2, where they investigate if they are water wise? The students challenged themselves and showcased their research and collaborative skills by researching and filming a News Segment. Year 7 hubs were able to get hands on and think like a real scientist and to investigate which is a better alternative to water to grow plants in? It is so lovely, to watch our students develop their collaborative and creative thinking skills. 

To top it off, we have been fortunate to have Soccer Australia come and deliver some skill sessions for two weeks.  

Tahnee Sams HT Stage 4 


 We have been fortunate to be working with the University of Newcastle in the ‘Uni Steps’ program. Here a group of students across year 7 was selected to participate in an ongoing workshop to follow them for the duration of their secondary education. The students have had a visit to the Kurri Kurri Library where they designed a futuristic library and two creative writing workshops. It is always so lovely to see our students connect with programs that they wouldn’t usually have access to.  


Week 8 is the start of Project 3, our final project for the year. I cannot believe this is where we are at. On Monday 5th September, Miss Twyford, Miss Seton, Mr Ollie and Mr Jacobs were excited to take 108 students down to Luna Park Sydney. This marks the official project launch. Being able to organise and participate in such events is what makes teaching the best job. “How far will you go to defend your hub?”. 


Students in year 7 will study indepth on ancient Rome, learn about forces and study drama and performance. 

You can see the students critical and creativity skills shine through some of our students creative rollercoasters coming to life.