From the Deputies Desks

Ms Somerville, Ms Brady, Mr Brown, Ms Wilson, Mrs Edwards

Ms Brady - Years 7 & 10

This term has been a busy one for everyone.  

Stage 4 students have continued to participate in Uni Steps Workshops through Newcastle University with Year 8 visiting the university for a Maths Day with Mr Allen and participating in a creative writing workshop with Ms Merrett. Year 7 have also participated in a creative writing and learning to learn workshops. All students who have participated in the workshops have enjoyed their time with the University presenters.  

Year 10 participated in Try-A-Course to start the term and completed their subject selections for Stage 6. This is the start of many decisions they will need to make about their future in preparation for the start of their senior school journey. They will get confirmation of their subjects next term and will have the opportunity to make changes at the start of next year if they wish. Some Year 10 students have already started their HSC programs through the accelerated program and are in the process of wrapping up their Year 11 studies with final examinations. It has been exciting to watch these students challenge themselves and extend their learning opportunities. As they move into Term 4 and begin their HSC preparations, I am confident that they will continue to apply themselves and work diligently towards achieving their goals. Year 10 also had the opportunity to participate in the Tomorrow Man and Tomorrow Woman wellbeing program. All students expressed how grateful they were to be able to participate in this program and how much they got out of the workshops. I know they are looking forward to the program returning in 2023. As we finish the term Year 10 need to ensure they have completed ALL assessment tasks and resolved all N-warnings that they have acquired throughout the year to ensure they have completed the requirements of Stage 5. They will also be completing final examinations in Maths, English, HSIE and Science, this will not only assess the knowledge, skills and understanding they have developed throughout the year but also help to develop the skills required when sitting timed examinations in Stage 6. 

Year 7 have had a busy term completing and starting new projects, including working with students who they may never previously work with and making sure they are developing the skills to be successful in Year 8. Students have participated in sporting masterclasses, an excursion to Luna Park and will finish the term with Year 7 Gala Day. From all reports the Luna Park excursion was a big success with all students indicating they had an amazing day. As Year 7 move into Term 4 there will be a focus on transitioning to Year 8 where students will meet new teachers ready for 2023 who will reiterate that the expectations we have in Year 7 for behaviour and learning will continue into Year 8. If you have any questions or concerns about your child transitioning into Year 8 please contact your child’s Hub teacher or Year Advisor.  


The application process for the 2023 High Potential Academic Enrichment classes for Year 7, 8, 9 & 10 has been in full swing this term starting with Year 7 2023 students participating in interviews with KKHS teachers which for some was a daunting process, but Ms Sams and her team said all students tried their best. Year 8, 9 & 10 students for 2023 have completed their application and received a teacher recommendation to support their application for placement in these classes for next year. Students will now participate in a workshop facilitated by KKHS Head Teachers to solve a real-world problem and demonstrate the qualities and skills required of students in the high potential academic enrichment classes. All students who participate in the workshops are to be commended for applying and challenging themselves to extend their learning opportunities throughout the workshop and into 2023. 


Finally, it is important to reiterate the expectations we have at KKHS for ALL students and their learning. ALL students need to be in class for the whole lesson. ALL students need to come to school prepared for learning. ALL students need to be in full school uniform EVERY day. ALL students need to listen and follow all reasonable instructions. If we can remind students of these expectations, we should have a great Term 4 to finish 2022.  

Good luck and congratulations to Year 12 2022. It has been a pleasure to teach my Year 12 class, make sure you keep working right up until those exams.  


I hope everyone has a happy and safe break and is rested and ready for Term 4, it's going to be another busy one to finish the year.  

Ms Somerville Years 8 & 11

Term 3 is always a busy term, but even more so for Stage 6.  


Year 12 it has been all about putting the final touches to the Major Works and getting ready for the HSC exams. By now Year 12 students should have completed their applications for early entry into university and be starting to work on summaries and study techniques for their HSC exams. While Year 12 students no longer have to attend in Term 4, it is important to remember that 50% of the HSC results comes from student performance in the examination and it is essential that they continue to work hard to achieve the best possible mark. Students are still welcome to use the Study Centre during their HSC preparation and there will be teachers there to support them. Similarly to the Trial, the HSC examinations will be held at the TAFE and it is important to make sure that students are there with plenty of time before the exam begins and following Covid safe rules. Students should have downloaded a copy of their personalised HSC timetable from their students online portal and know what time each exam begins. If you have any concerns about this, please contact the school as soon as possible. 


While some of the Year 11 students will be sitting one HSC examination next term, for everyone in Year 11 its about completing assessments and the Yearly exams which for some students may be the first time they have undertaken a written examination. These exams are good preparation for the HSC that they will experience next year and give them the experience of learning about time management and how to prepare for the types of questions they may encounter. As we move into Term 4, Year 11 students may be able to drop a course and should see Mrs Sellars-Fogarty as soon as possible to make sure that their pattern of study is on track to get them what they are wanting by the end of Year 12.  

We understand that examinations can be quite stressful and your child may feel an enormous amount of pressure as they approach their examinations – both for the Yearly exams in Year 11 or for their HSC exams. As a parent or carer you play an important role in giving them the confidence, support and stability to cope with their final exams. Please find some ideas for supporting them: 


Link to supporting your child


As Deputy Principal for Year 8, Term 3 has been just as busy. We have had a focus on being prepared for learning and have asked students to be responsible for bringing in their laptop, books and pens. I have also been very pleased by the number of students who have come in uniform every day. As we move into the warmer months, I am confident that they will continue to make the right choice about what they are choosing to wear to school.  


While we have had a few changes as a result of finding it difficult to staff classes due to the teacher shortages, students have continued to engage with the learning opportunities. They have been learning about the spread of diseases and I had the pleasure of seeing 8 BLUE represent their understanding in a tableaux which was very interesting! Students have continued to rotate through the different technology classes which has given them the opportunity to experience food technology, metal and timber work as well as computer applications. They have also been given the chance to make decisions about their electives for next year. If your student has not made their selection, it is important that they see Mr Jacobs as soon as possible to get this done.


I am hoping that everyone enjoys the break after such a busy term and am already thinking about what Term 4 is going to bring. 

Mr Brown Years 9 & 12

Year 9 have been taking advantage of all the opportunities KKHS has to offer this term, representing their school with pride. Safety, Respect and Excellence have been at the forefront for all Year 9 students in navigating the difficulties that come with a busy Term 3.  

Our partnership with the University of Newcastle has continued with 20 students completing a Financial Literacy course. The course assisted students to build a greater understanding of money, including personal budgeting and finance skills, which may assist them in the future.  


In preparation for 2023, staff have nominated students for possible acceleration into a Year 11 course. This involves students undertaking one Year 11 subject alongside their Year 10 classes in 2023, then sitting the HSC examination for their accelerated subject in 2024 and completing one course before entering Year 12 in 2025.  


In weeks 5 and 7 we welcomed our new Police Liaison Officer who presented seminars specifically to the year group addressing issues around drugs, alcohol, violence, and vandalism. In week 6 students also explored the new Anti-Violence campaign. Throughout these sessions students demonstrated respect through actively listening and engaging positively in discussions. 


Application for the Year 10 High Potential class in 2023 opened for Year 9 students in Week 7. Students wishing to put their name forward were required to complete an application, have a teacher refer them and complete a two-day workshop in Week 9. The workshop assessed the students’ ability to communicate, collaborate, be creative and think critically to solve a given problem within a timeframe. A focus on developing student skill sets is a large part of curriculum at KKHS, and will continue to be a focal point throughout the senior years.  


Year 12 students completed their trial HSC examinations earlier in the term and received constructive feedback from their teachers to best prepare them for the official examination period in early Term 4. During the holiday period Year 12 are encouraged to continue their preparation for their HSC – this may involve completing past HSC papers, drafting essays, practicing writing techniques, creating notes, and actively reading topic summaries with a highlighter or pen. If students require any study advice, please speak with your teacher, or utilise the study centre for additional study tips.  


A big thank you to Ms O’Halloran (Year 12 Year advisor) and Ms Sutherland for the work they have put into organising the Formal. The glitz and the glam of the formal has been a regular conversation topic for Year 12 this Semester. The Formal will celebrate the completion of 13 years of schooling and will be held on September 20 at Ben Ean, Pokolbin.  


Happy and safe holidays! 

Mrs Edwards - Aboriginal Education, Big Picture & Covid ILSP

We have had a spotlight on Aboriginal Education at Kurri Kurri High School during Term 3. The first of our Roadmap to Success progress reports went out to parents and these will be scheduled to go out to parents of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students twice a term. These will highlight the progress of your student/s and through the reports, it is hoped that as a team we will be able to identify and action any issues that may be seen. Furthermore, the progress reports will ensure that we are celebrating the consistency of effort that students are putting into their academic studies. For our senior students, the roadmaps will also pinpoint when your student/s will have assessment tasks due, so that as parents you are aware of, and can help you child when needed. 


During Week 2, our Aboriginal Dance group was invited to Kurri Kurri TAFE to dance for NAIDOC week. Further to the success of our group, they have been selected to participate in the 2022 Schools Spectacular as part of the Aboriginal Dance Ensemble. A huge congratulations to the students in this group.  


Congratulations to all of our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students who received a Kullaburra Award. These awards recognise students in the areas of leadership, sport and all-round excellence. All Year 12 students are also recognised for their attainment of Year 12.  


Congratulations also goes out to our incoming and outgoing members of the JAECG. Thank you to Sam Tedd, Georgia Sams and Jaimee Ward for all of your hard work over the duration of the last 12 months. You have done an incredible job of building the profile of the JAECG and should be commended for your leadership during this time, which also included running the JAECG during a period of Covid lockdown. Welcome to our newest members who have recently been voted into leadership positions and welcome back to previous students who have held leadership positions. Congratulations to Sam Tedd, Phillip Farnham-Farley, Esther Tedd, Jaimee Ward and Kobi Murray, I am sure that you will do the school proud in the upcoming 12 months! 


The Sista Speak program has also begun in Term 3 and our Year 9 girls are the current participants in the program. The program is designed to inspire and motivate young Aboriginal women about the importance of education and to raise awareness about the diverse career paths available to them, focusing specifically on issue of self-esteem, careers, culture, leadership and economic independence.  The girls have 2 mentors who come into the school to facilitate the program and the girls also participate in external activities, such as the RAW challenge, which help them to foster teamwork and leadership skills. 

Our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls were invited to the Dream Together camp which occurred during Week 7 at Hunter Valley Retreat. 44 girls made the journey to the Retreat where they were treated to a variety of cultural and educational experiences over 2 days. The girls were divided up into Stage groups (Stage 4 – Building the Dream, Stage 5 – Growing the Dream, and Stage 6 – Owning the Dream) where they worked with their mentors who yarned with the girls and helped the girls to understand the importance of goal setting. During the camp, the girls set goals which they will be working towards for the rest of the year.  The girls were immersed in cultural activities and about the importance of tradition from Aunty Michelle and Aunty Jinta. Our last activity of the camp was focused on health and wellbeing, and we were visited by Caitlan Johnston and Kayla Romaniuk from the NRLW Knights who also discussed the importance of setting goals to achieve your dreams, while also running the girls through a number of drills. It certainly was a trip to remember and what we have learnt here will continue to help the girls on their future journey. 


All Big Picture Academy students are required to undertake outlearning experiences and learning through internships to investigate their passions. Weekly participation in a LTI allows students to gain skills in the workplace. While not all LTI’s are related to possible career aspirations, they do allow students to become involved in their chosen industry to see if this could become a possible future career path. If students find that this pathway does not suit them, they are able to focus on other areas of interest which may suit them. Outlearning provides Big Pictures students to explore interests withing the community or undertake events which promote a Big Picture social community. Our students have undertaken a variety of these experiences this term which have promoted one of the goals of Big Picture: social reasoning. Our Year 12 students are almost finished their Big Picture Education journey and are looking forward to the next phase of their life. I would like to congratulate them all for their hard work in their Senior Thesis Projects and thank their Advisor, Taylah Grainger, for her dedication to this wonderful group of students. I know that they will certainly miss the support and dedication you have provided them with.  


Lastly, the COVID ILSP program has focused on Year 8 and Year 12 in Term 3. Silver and Gold Hubs have received literacy and numeracy tutoring during Term 3. This will finish at the end of the term and Blue and White hubs will have their turn at receiving the tutoring which occurs during class time. Our Year 12 students have also had extra support in their quest to their HSC, with the Covid tutors offering tutoring sessions in a wide range of subjects. These sessions are advertised in the Study Centre and emails have been sent home to both parents and students, advising them of the locations and times of each session. The tutors and I wish all students sitting HSC examination next term the best of luck! 

Ms Wilson - Inclusion and Support

I am excited to introduce to you KKHS WELS team: 


The Wellbeing, Engagement, Learning and Support team consists of our Head Teacher Wellbeing/Engagement Ms Da Silva, Head Teacher Wellbeing/Learning & Support Mrs Weir, Student Support Officer Megan Gillespie, our Learning and Support Teachers and School Learning Support Officers. The WELS team is the creative vision of our Principal Mr Hope to provide timely and responsive wrap around support to meet the wellbeing and learning needs of our students and deliver quality professional support for our teaching staff. 


The team will be operating from the school library in Term 4. This space will be called the WELS Hub and will be a supportive and safe space for our students where we can deliver 1:1 and small group learning and wellbeing programs and provide a space for external wellbeing service supports to operate within our school. 


There are some exciting wellbeing initiatives being developed for the students at KKHS for Term 4 into 2023 and I would like to thank the WELS team and Year Advisors in advance for their innovative planning. 

If you have concerns regarding the wellbeing and/or learning of your child, please continue to follow the same contact processes as usual eg, class teacher and/or year advisor.