COVID Intensive Learning and Support Program 

During Term 3, Year 8’s Gold and Silver hub have been involved in the Covid Intensive Learning Program. This program focusses on Literacy and Numeracy progressions and helps to assist students in the skills they may lack due to the disrupted learning due to COVID isolation periods. 

For literacy we have been focussing on the progression ‘Understanding Texts’. This in integrated through our current sessions ‘Inference’ in which we learn how to notice and infer meaning from a range of texts and ‘Audience and Purpose’ in which we build the skills to understand the target audience and the purpose of a text e.g. informative, persuasive or imaginative.  


For Numeracy we have been focussing on progressions which are embedded in our session’s such as ‘Multiplication strategies’ and ‘Qualifying numbers’.  ‘Factor Fun 5’ and ‘Two Handfuls’ are two of our recent sessions in which we revise our multiplication strategies, play mathematical and critical thinking games, and familiarise ourselves with concepts we may not have been confident with beforehand.  

We are overwhelmed with the number of positive contributions to our sessions and the evident improvement in your academic studies. Well done Year 8.