
Year 7 French students have been very busy this term working hard on developing their reading and speaking skills. They have been studying the weather and have worked well collaboratively to produce weather reports in French. All students have been working to a high standard and should be proud of the work they have achieved this term. Très bien les étudients!  


Year 10 Dance students submitted their site-specific compositions early this term and have since been learning about modern dance and the development of contemporary dance. They have been exploring the dance styles of various pioneers of modern dance and are now working on developing their own modern dance performances. Year 12 Dance student Jordan Flint has completed her HSC Dance Practical Examinations this term which is 80% of her HSC Dance exams. Well done Jordan and good luck for your written exam in early November! 


Year 7 Music have been very busy this term finishing Film Music and making way for their new Rock Band project. Students are currently working in their bands to learn a song and hopefully have a chance to perform in the Term 4 MADD night. Year 9 and 10 are currently looking at Australian Music, with year 9 composing their own Australian song and year 10 focusing on producing a quality Australian performance. Music excursions are back on, and students had the opportunity to go to The Sapphires musical. They all had a fantastic day and took a lot away from the experience. Year 12 Music have been extremely busy completing their final preparations ready for their HSC Performance Examination in week 9. We wish all of these students the absolute best, we are sure you will do a fantastic job! 

Visual Arts – Year 12 HSC  

It is that time of the year again when Year 12 were required to complete their Body of Work for their HSC.  Students have a well developed direction for their work and have completed a solid collection of works. They now move into the next stage of their studies working towards their preparations for the HSC Exam. We wish them the best of luck.