Shelford Board of Governors and SPA forum

Thriving students: readiness for tertiary studies and the world of work

Shelford Board of Governors and SPA forum – Thriving students: readiness for tertiary studies and the world of work

Parents and guardians are invited to join our open discussion themed Thriving students: readiness for tertiary studies and the world of work with Shelford Board of Governors, Shelford Parents’ Association (SPA) representatives, Shelford Principal and senior staff on Wednesday 7 September.


Forum details:

Wednesday 7 September, 7–8pm 

Shelford Hall, please enter through the Junior School Gate (Gate 3).


This is an opportunity for you to meet with the Board, SPA, Shelford Principal and senior staff, to ask questions, listen and hear from other parents, share views and engage in ideas to support our girls’ in their education journey and future career planning. We want to learn from you, members of our unique community, what is important to our girls and their families. 


We have a special group of parents at Shelford and the more we exchange ideas and knowledge the more we foster an environment that teaches our girls how to thrive. All parents and guardians are very welcome to attend and your perspective and presence will be valued by all.


We look forward to meeting you at the Shelford Board of Governors and SPA forum.


Kind regards

Pam Russell, Chair of Shelford Board

Andy Langridge,SPA President