Shelford Art Projection Night

Save the date: Friday 14 October 

Save the date: Shelford Art Projection Night

Friday 14 October 6.30pm for festivities and projections from 7.30pm


The Shelford Art Staff are excited to welcome all of the Shelford community, family and friends to an evening of celebration. 


This will be the first time our community has been together to enjoy and celebrate our student’s artistic talents. Unit 3/4 Studio Art and Visual Communication Design folios will be on view in the SILC Building. The artworks from all Art Students at Shelford will be projected onto the façade of Helenslea.

There will be a sausage sizzle, cakes, fairy floss, and social drinks for the parents available to purchase. Market stalls including calendars and greeting cards featuring student artwork, jewellery and more will be available.   


We will be further entertained buy the school Jazz Band and our roving Magician.


Registrations are preferred via the link below:

Deborah Pettigrew

Head of Visual Arts