From the APRIM

Paula Burns

Integral Ecology


As part of our learning in Relgious Education we have been learning all about the wonder and awe of Creation and that we are called to be ‘stewards of Creation’. As part of this learning, we have listened to Pope Francis’ call to action and each class has not only been learning about looking after Creation but has actively been seeking ways to help our beautiful planet. 

Please read below a report from Ms Ozgo regarding the wonderful sustainable actions we have been completing throughout the school.




Recycling is a simple way for students to make a difference in a world affected by climate change. 

This term a new recycling system has been put into classrooms allowing students to sort their soft plastics, paper and general recycling products.

These bins join the food waste bins that have already been used in the classroom for a while. Some of this food waste is now becoming food for worms in a classroom worm farm.


Students have continued to collect bread tags from home and have been dropping these into the collection jar in the Reception and Year 1 classroom. These bread tags are then recycled into bowls that are sold at markets across Australia. The funds raised from selling the bowls is used to buy wheelchairs for disabled children across East Asia and Africa. 


Another collection for recycling taking place in the Reception and Year 1 classroom as well as the staffroom is plastic lids from bottles. These bottle lids are made from plastics that can be recycled; however they cannot be placed loosely in bins and require collecting and sorting.


If you have any bread tags or plastic bottle caps, please bring into school. 

Every little counts. Thank you.




Our Lady of The Sacred Heart Feast Day Mass


Nikita and Noor as future ‘OLSHIES’ went along to OLSH College to participate in a beautiful Mass for the feast day of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart. They represented St Brigid’s proudly and were a credit to our school. We thank the OLSH College community for welcoming us so beautifully and also thank Fr Selva for presiding over the Mass.



Social Justice - SOCKTOBER

Thank you to those students and families who have started to bring in their old t-shirts, old socks, bubble wrap and plastic bags, we do still need a lot more, so if you are able please send in any of these materials to allow us to make a good few sockballs. We are learning all about Ethiopia and the goat rearing programme that Catholic Missions are supporting and we look forward to raising money for Catholic Missions and to 'buy our own goat' when we host our socktober event.




Yours in Love, Peace and Learning


Paula Burns

Assistant Principal, Religious Identity & Mission