From the Principal

Shannon Correll

Dear Families,



Last week students bought home your account statement for the year. For many parents, this is just a statement that shows them how much is left of the fees they have owing for the remainder of the year. If you did happen to receive your fees and you have any concerns, please come and see me so we are able to help you.



This week we sadly say goodbye to Mai in our Community Hub. Mai joined our community in 2020 and bought some fantastic programs for the Hub. We wish Mai all the very best in her new career. We thank her for all that she has done in supporting our families at St Brigid's School.



Staff have been busy analysing the PULSE survey students completed this term looking at the student's well-being and sense of belonging. We survey our students every term and monitor their responses. For students we are concerned about, a teacher will meet individually with students and will then refer them to either the Leadership Team or Chaplain.



Our School has received preliminary results for this year’s NAPLAN test.  While the results are broad in nature, it does seem that we have built on last year’s results, with further improvements this year.  A full package of results is due to be delivered to schools in mid-late September.  These detailed results will also include the parent reports that will be sent home at this time.


I have noticed a number of students wearing black leggings - please ensure that the leggings worn under the dress are NAVY BLUE. Students are not to wear leggins as pants. 


Planning for 2023!

It's that time of year again when I am beginning to look at classes for 2023!! A very scary thought!! Could you please let me know if you are not returning to St Brigid's School - unless you are a Year 6!  It is very important that you do let me know as I have to staff the school accordingly. If you are intending on leaving our community, you need to give a terms notice (the 30th of September is the final day) or you will be charged - at the Principal's discretion for Term 1 or 2023. (As per the Fee Policy)



Yours in Love, Peace and Learning

Shannon Correll
