Beacon Foundation

High Impact Work Readiness

On August 22-25 the Beacon Foundation present High Impact Work Readiness programs “PERFORM” to our VCAL Year 11 and 12 students. Over 100 VCAL students have learn the art of goal setting, networking, conflict resolution, interview &  Resume preparation and elevator pitch. This program has been funded by  The Apprenticeship Factory who see the importance of young people identifying their strengths and learning these skills. We cannot run these programs without the support of local business and community. Many thanks go to the following organisations:


SPC for hosting groups and providing mentors

Fairley Leadership Program

CAF consulting 

Samar Patel- G V Water

Andrea Pogue – GV Health

Jessica Skinner - CFA

Michelle Frenkel- Ramsay Health

Kathy Fuller & Bella Ainsworth – Greater Shepparton Lighthouse Project

Leigh Johnson & Heidi Twinning – Victoria Police

Zara O’Keefe - AFL GM

Safar Ibrahimi - Fairley Leadership

Fiona Smolenaars - University of Melbourne



Students began the day with some apprehension but left the event with a new found confidence. 



Mary-ann Linehan

Careers Practitioner & Partnerships