From the Leadership Team

Once again the end of term is rapidly approaching. Over the next two weeks students will be working hard to finish assessment tasks in all of their subjects. 

Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences

Parents/guardians will be able to see how their students are progressing at the Parent /Teacher/Student conferences in the last week of term. These conferences are being held online Thursday 15th September 4-7pm and during the day 10am-1pm on the Friday 16th, last day of term. Bookings are now open and can be made on Compass. No classes will be held on the Friday as students are expected to be at the conferences.

Year 12

Year 12 students will complete their formal classes in the third week of term 4. There will be an assembly for the students on their last day and other events will be held to celebrate their completion of Secondary Education. 


The examination period commences with the English exam/s on the 26th October. Students will finish at different times depending on the subjects they are studying. A Valedictory Dinner and Parent Assembly will be held after all of our students have finished their exams.

Planning ahead: 2023

Planning for next year has been underway for quite a while now. Students have been given the opportunity to choose the subjects they would like to study. Blockings  based on the student choices are currently being developed and we hope to have this finalised and a timetable developed soon. 

Year 7 2023

The ‘Year 7 2023 Family Transition Evening’ was held in the school gymnasium on Wednesday 24th August and was very well attended. Information regarding the Year 6-7 Transition Program, Year 7 Curriculum, Year 8-12 Curriculum, Bus Services, and the Neighbourhood Selection Process was presented. Enrolment Packs were provided to families who had already accepted a place at Greater Shepparton Secondary College and they are to be returned to GSSC on completion. 

Athletics Sports

On Thursday 1st  September Greater Shepparton Secondary College students competed at the next level of competition against local schools, winning the overall competition. Those that competed are to be congratulated for their efforts. A large number of students progressed to the regional competition.


This term has been a testing one with Covid and the current influenza continuing to affect staff and students alike. We are all hoping that Term 4 is better in terms of health for all concerned.


Stephen Bolton

Dharnya Neighbourhood Principal 


for the

Leadership Team GSSC
