Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

Chicken Duty over the school holidays
We are looking for volunteers to help look after the chickens and water the garden over the school holidays.
If this is something you would like to do, please add your name to the roster via the link below. Please only one family per day.
A key will be available on the school garden gate to access the garden and all chicken food and watering materials will be readily available to use.
Families will be able to take any eggs home over the holidays to enjoy. (Eggs can be found in the chicken house)
Chicken names
Thanks also to everyone who has contributed to the naming of our new chickens. We will advise the two selected names asap.
Tea towel thanks
Thank you to everyone who donated tea towels to replace the old and tired ones in the SAKG kitchen and in the staff room.
In the SAKG Kitchen last fortnight (Week 6 & 7, 15 to 26 Aug)
Each newsletter we will now share recipes from our wonderful Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden program. Our students from Years 3 to 6 learn so much from this program; from growing food and caring for our garden (and chickens), to preparing meals from selected countries and regions of the world.
Last fortnight students have learned about the cuisine of Japan and enjoyed cooking foods from this amazing country. You can cook these at home using the recipes attached. Enjoy!
Okonomiyaki - a Japanese savoury pancake dish
Veggie Ramen
Sushi rolls (maki sushi)
Soba noodle salad
Matcha sable (green tea biscuits)
This fortnight (Week 8 & 9, 29 Aug to 9 Sep)
Our SAKG cuisine commencing this week is Indonesian.
Nasi Goreng
Baked Lumpia (Spring rolls)
Perkedel Jagung (Corn fritters)
Jukit Urab (Balinese vegetable salad)
Bingka ubi jalar (Sweet potato cake)
From Cathryn Hulme, Kitchen Specialist