From the Classroom

Grade 4
During Week 8 & 9, I will be attending Somers Camp with the Grade 5 and 6 students. Miss Marilyn will take the class in my absence.
We have had a focus on Poetry over the past 3 weeks, working on Limericks, Cinquains and Haikus. Students have…
- Identified the features of each poem
- Counted the syllables in each line
- Finished poems
- Written their own and tried to improve their language by finding synonyms.
For the last 2 weeks of Term, our focus will shift to learning about Italy to help us prepare for Concert in Term 4.
In Maths, we have started working on Division and Money/Financial Maths. I have tried to incorporate a number of real world tasks to engage the students in these topics.
Students have …
- Completed money transactions involving change to the nearest 5 cents.
- Used calculators to find out the weight of different notes and coins when making 1 million dollars.
- Planned class events to find out how many boxes of items we need, the total cost and the cost per person.
What you can do at home:
- Students can complete activities for My Literacy, My Numeracy & My Spelling on Essential Assessment.
- Ensure students are reading each night.
If reading non-fiction, ask students to recall 5 details about the text. For fiction, students can summarise Somebody, Wanted, But, So Then. - Students can read on Epic!
Poetry from the class!
Colourless, dark
Elegant, drift, float
They glide on water
By Harriet
Holland Lop
Mini, charming
Bouncing, playing, eating
Good breed of rabbit
By Mia
Mega Charizard x / y
Large, forceful
Fire breathing, savage, hovering
breath blue or red fire
By Emile
Grade 3
This week the children have been learning the following in all subject areas.
Reading: The children have been learning to compare how two countries are alike and contrast how are they different. Earlier this week we focussed on England and Australia.
Spelling: All children have been developing their skills and understanding of words making the short and long i sound. Examples: sky, pie and night.
Writing: the past two weeks children have loved learning how to write their own limerick and cinquain poems. This week children have enjoyed researching and creating an informative text on England.
Maths: Division has been the main focus. Classroom work has involved children learning to recall multiplication facts to help them work out the related division facts. The children have begun fluency tasks designed to improve automaticity with all their number facts.
Concert: This year the grade 3 will perform songs from English bands. We began practice this week, and the children were so excited to hear music and practice their dance moves.
- Reading – Continue to ask questions before, during and after reading.
- Writing – Complete a fact file about a country of your choice.
- Spelling – Practice writing a limerick poem with rhyming words from our spelling words. Example: cry, dry, try, pie, die, lie, high, sight, might etc...
- Maths – decreasing number sequences involving multiples of 3, 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9’s. Completing activities on Essential Assessment in My Literacy and My Numeracy.
Mr Tarrant
Here are some photos of the artwork described in last weeks newsletter. They are on display in the Learning Street.