School News
Remember, we are a Sun Smart school so hats must be worn for all outdoor activities and Play. Please ensure your child's name is on their hat.
Road Works on Magill Road
During 2022 there will be ongoing major road works on Magill Road. This will be in areas near the school at times.
We will include updated road work information provided by the Council in the Magill School newsletter and on our Facebook page.
Currently there are no traffic restrictions around the school drop off area on Magill Road.
Please be aware that there will be reduced speed limits in place on Magill Road due to these road works.
Safe Parking
For the safety of students, parents are not permitted to park in staff carparks. This includes the admin carpark (Adelaide Street), OSHC car park (Magill Road), Penfold carpark (Penfold Street) and Dental carpark (Park Street). Parents are not to park in these carparks when picking up students from after school activities eg dance classes, sports practice and OSHC.
Please observe the parking signs when picking up or dropping off your child/children to and from school. Be courteous to our neighbours and do not park in or over their driveways at any time.
The Burnside Council patrols the school zone regularly and will issue fines.
After School Sports /SAPSASA
The Directive from the Department for Education around school sports is that there will be no after school sports trainings or matches and no SAPSASA events between Week 1 and Week 4 of Term 1 2022. As we receive more information around this from the Department for Education we will update you.
As we start our new school year, could you please take the time to make sure that your child's profile is updated in QKR! with the correct year level and class for 2022. This will ensure lunches and any other school payments / receipts are delivered to the correct class.
Instrumental Music
Instrumental Music teachers will liaise with IM families regarding the Instrumental Music tuition. Currently, we have not had a Cello / Double Bass teacher assigned to Magill School so the students in those programs will not have received any communication from an Instrumental Music teacher.
A SAPSASA nomination form has been sent via Edsmart email which is an online form relevant to Year 4 to Year 6 students for district events and Year 5 and Year 6 students for Knockout sports. This indicates if there is interest in events and is only a nomination showing that a child is interested in an event. It is not a guarantee of selection. Pease complete this by Tuesday 15th February 2022.
After School Cricket
We are looking for more Year 4, 5 and 6 students to join our cricket teams. Matches are played Saturday mornings. The cost is $80.00 for the season. More information can be found at
If you are interested in joining, please contact Rachel Owens at
Playgroup at Magill
All students are required to wear the correct Magill School uniform. UMS are the suppliers of the Magill School uniform. All Magill uniform items are available from the Glynde store and online. UMS offer free delivery of purchases to Magill School.
Shop 12
161-167 Glynburn Road,
Firle SA 5070
0431 771 260
Library bags available to purchase
Calico library bags are available to purchase from the Resource Centre for $5.00.