Student Learning
Reception and Year 1s start to the school year
As we are wading our way through the staged return to school, we have welcomed our brand new Receptions and returning Year 1s to face-to-face learning. With reduced numbers at school, it has allowed our new little ones to have an extremely settled start to the year and we are seeing such calm, focused and happy students in all classrooms. It has also provided a great opportunity for all classes to establish solid routines and begin the year off successfully.
Much quieter play/outdoor areas has also seen many classes further utilising our beautiful outdoor spaces during learning time. The recent stretch of warm, yet not boiling hot, bright sunny days has seen many of our Junior Primary classes spilling into the yard to access their learning outside and amongst our beautiful surrounds. It has been so lovely to hear the conversations, laughter and chitter-chatter of our little ones as well as they settle into their new lives as Magill School students.
We also wish to thank parents for helping and assisting by following the current guidelines and restrictions regarding classroom and building access. Your cooperation and assistance has been resounding and enabled the start of the year to be a huge success…
Thank you! We look forward to a wonderful year ahead!