Parents & Friends (P&F)

Dear all
Dates for your diary for TERM 1 2022
(Please note that we will revise the dates and events as soon as the P&F meet in the next week)
Week 3 | 'Meet the Teacher' Google Meets on Wednesday (invites via Operoo) |
Week 3 | Sunday 13th February (8am) Commitment Mass & Morning Tea Join us as we celebrate the new school year at St. Joseph’s with a Commissioning Mass for the staff - we still can't do a morning tea but will do one as soon as we can. |
Week 4 | P&F Meeting Join us for the first P&F meeting of 2022. New members welcome. The meeting will take place at 7pm in the school hall. |
Week 4 | Life Ed Van |
Week 4 | HOLT Swimming Carnival |
Week 4 | Friday Night Sausage Sizzle A chance to catch up after school, enjoying a sausage sizzle whilst the kids play. |
Week 5 | Saturday 5th March Parents Social Event Join us in the school hall for a fun social event for parents and caregivers. |
Week 6 | Milkshake Friday The P&F will be making milkshakes that can be purchased during snack time. |
Week 7 | P&F Meeting Join us for the first P&F meeting of 2022. All are welcome. |
Week 7 | Whole School Mass St Joseph's feast Day (9.15am Friday 18th March) St Joseph’s Colour Fun Run A spectacular and colourful fun run for the children and a great way to raise money for the school. The P&F will also be organizing a special lunch that will be available for purchase. |
Week 8 | Friday Night Sausage Sizzle A chance to catch up after school, enjoying a sausage sizzle whilst the kids play. |
Week 10 | Grade 5 / 6 Camp Our Grade 5/6 will be enjoying an exciting Surf Camp. |
Week 11 | Twilight Athletics Carnival A lovely evening to come together and watch the children in our Twilight Athletics Carnival. Food and drinks will be available for purchase. |
Week 11 | Easter Bonnet Parade & Easter Raffle Join us on the last day of Term 1 for our popular whole school event as the children model their creative Easter Bonnets and see who the lucky winners of the Easter Raffle are. |