From the Classroom
Fairy Garden
Students have been very creative during recess and lunch building little homes for the fairies. This area is located under the big tree near the sandpit in the hopes that the fairies might visit and leave special gifts for those who have been caring for them. So far we have had one visit from the fairies already.
Grade 1
We have had another great week in the classroom. Many photos and updates about our learning have been sent to parents via Dojo. Please ensure that families are connected to this using the login from students homework book. We also have login/passwords for Epic as well as Reading Eggs.
This week we have started our Nessy phonics program. You will notice the paper bag in the homework book which has our flashcards. Students can use these flashcards to practice sounds, letter names as well make words by rearranging the letters. Please keep an eye on the Dojo page for videos on how to practice this at home.
Grade 3
This week in Grade 3, the children have been learning about our Weather theme across all areas of the curriculum including; Reading, Writing, Maths and Science.
In Reading, all the children have been learning to make text to world connections with different types of severe weather patterns. These include Hurricanes, Landslides, Blizzards and Droughts. All children have been applying great effort to build a new chain, which symbolises each time a new connection is made from the text.
The children are applying their best efforts when learning about Persuasive writing. There has been a major focus on text structure as well as Tier 2 vocabulary words to apply more high frequency words to their written work. Punctuation work is implemented alongside other main components of writing genres during the week.
For Maths, children have been developing their Place Value skills. Children have applied their skills to understand the place and value of numbers, and be able to read, write, model and order place value numbers from smallest to largest. All students have set their own individualised counting goals, which we will begin next week.
The children have enjoyed learning about Chemical Science. We have described the three sates of matter (solid, liquid and gas). Students have also drawn diagrams and acted out what each state of matter looks like when it is formed.
It was fantastic to see all the Grade 3 children having so much fun at STOMP and the Hockey clinic this week.
Grade 4
What a fun week we have had in Grade 4! All students enjoyed participating in Stomp, in 60 minutes they learned a choreographed dance to a WHOLE song! The song students danced to was called ‘Dancing in The Moonlight,’ this was a remix so it had some techno sections and was more upbeat than the original.
Our daily learning tasks have continued to focus on Weather/Natural Disasters.
In Reading, we have introduced the different tiers of Vocabulary to encourage children to use more technical words in their writing. We have also been making Text to World connections while reading numerous non-fiction texts to broaden our real world knowledge.
In Maths, we have focused on ordering numbers and using number lines. We used some unconventional number lines on Tuesday when we used thermometers to record the temperature of Toolamba, Auckland, Broome, Vienna, Beijing, Whistler & Hobart. Students loved learning about the coldest place in the world in north eastern Serbia and couldn’t believe that the children in this town did not get a snow day when it was -54 degrees!
Our EPIC code is gbz5452
Grade 5/6
It’s been a busy at school this week. On Tuesday, Maddy from the Melbourne based, ‘Stomp’ dance group held a Hip Hop dance session with each grade. Yesterday we all participated in a hockey session with the Shepparton Hockey Association.
Prep Buddies
Last week in Prep Buddy time, we worked together to create colour patterns on ties. They looked fabulous!