Year 8

Junior Sport
Congratulations to Jordan Milne of Year 8 who competed in the State Cross Country yesterday at Bundoora Park earlier this term. He came 9th overall in the Under 14’s 3km race with a time of 10:10.297.
Good luck to the junior sports teams heading out this Friday!
Year 8 Camp
Year 8 Camp is fast approaching! Please remember to make final payments by 9th August.
A couple of places have become available so if you’re interested in having your child come along please contact Mrs McLean or Mr Trevethan at the college ASAP.
Details: Waratah Beach Camp. Monday 9th – Wednesday 11th September.
Rewarding Positive Behaviour
On Wednesday 31st July our year 8’s start a class positive behaviour challenge. The class with the most students demonstrating positive behaviours over the next fortnight will be awarded with a pizza lunch. The behaviours we are looking for include being at class on time, having all required equipment in classes and showing respectful and courteous behaviour. A more detailed letter will come home with your child by the end of the week.