Year 7

Ancient Chinese History Museum Excursion:
To finish off Term 2, Year 7 students visited the Chinese History Museum and explored Chinatown to complete their study of Ancient China. Students were taken on a guided tour through the museum and developed an understanding of Ancient Chinese inventions and its influence on the modern world. They were also able to engage with artefacts from the time period to add to their understanding of life during Ancient China. Students and teachers ended the successful day by enjoying a delicious lunch at the local Chinatown food court.
Gratitude presentation:
Late last term, guest speaker David Verdugo ran a presentation about Gratitude with the Year 7 students. Students were guided through strategies to practice gratitude and the benefits of this practice. They were encouraged to develop a fresh perspective by observing all the good things in their life and reflect on what they are thankful for. Some strategies included taking two extra breaths, guided meditation, and shout outs. Students continued this theme in their Life Skills classes to finish off the term.
Junior sport:
Our Junior sporting teams will head out on the 26th of August to compete in a range of sports. Boys and girls Basketball and Handball teams will head to Cranbourne Stadium, and our Table Tennis teams will be competing at Dandenong Oasis. We wish all teams the best of luck and hope all students display great sportsmanship on the day!
Samantha Halm
7I Pastoral Care Teacher
Year 7 Coordinator