Headstart Program 2020

Head Start is a new initiative from the Victorian State Government to increase the number of students undertaking high quality apprenticeships and traineeships, while still completing their senior secondary studies through flexible arrangements.

Head Start Apprenticeships and Traineeships is a

  • high quality pathway with more time spent on the job
  • ensure students complete VCE/VCAL alongside their apprenticeship/traineeship
  • focus on key qualifications in high-demand industries with strong employment pathways
  • provide intensive support to students and employers through Head Start staff, all the way through the program

What are the benefits?

  • students have the opportunity to spend a significant amount of on-the-job training time, whilst still completing their senior secondary qualifications;
  • employers are enabled to train and mentor young apprentices and trainees who are ready for work, and who will also have higher levels of literacy, numeracy and employability skills;
  • the number of qualified apprentices and trainees in growing trades and industries;
  • students will undertake high quality apprenticeships and traineeships with genuine employers, with continuous and dedicated support for all parties to help students progress to completion.

HEADSTART supports students undertaking a range of Certificate III Apprenticeships or Traineeships.

If you are considering working in the following industries, HEADSTART might be for you. Explore the following options:


Undertaking a HEADSTART pathway program means that you will spend

Less time at school, more time at work, complete a certificate III and also complete a VCE or VCAL certificate


Industry AreaOccupation

Building, Construction &

Manufacturing Technologies

Bricklaying, Painting, Carpentry, Plumbing, Electrotechnology, Civil

Construction, Automotive and Engineering


Community Services & Health

Early Childhood, Health Services, Dental Assisting, Community

Services & Pharmacy Assistance

Business ServicesTelecommunications, Information Technology & Business
ServiceCommercial Cookery, Baking
Primary IndustryAgriculture, Horticulture, Aboriculture


Contact the HEADSTART Industry Coordinator at your school for more information