Term 3 is a busy term in VCAL, we have a number of excursions planned, the Intermediates will be off to Casey Tech to start working on their $20 Boss, planning a business CAT for Work Related Skills. While the Seniors are off to Fareshare to make food for the homeless
We will have a number of different community projects beginning to be worked on by our students in Personal Development. VI1 and VI2 will be working on the Human Powered Vehicles with the aim of racing them at Casey fields. In Numeracy both Intermediates and Seniors will be investigating familiar and un-familiar industries with the aim to improve their knowledge and understanding of the numeracy skills that are important in their chosen industry.
One of the best parts of the Literacy course is Micro Teaching, where students teach their peers how to do something. Examples include basketball skills, how to tie a tie and how to make chocolate crackles. The seniors have to learn something new, master it then verbally instruct their peers how to do it. It is a vibrant part of the course where students take ownership over the content. All in all an exciting term happening in VCAL
Brad Gauci
VCAL Leader