MGC’s Waste Revolution Rolls on…

The hot topic of conversation this term has not surprisingly been MGCs waste revolution! We really got tongues wagging both here in Australia and overseas. We were quite surprised at the response but thrilled too that our National Parks Scheme (NPS) initiative gained such attention.


In 2108 MGC sent 977 cubic metres of waste to landfill. That’s 0.65 cubic metres of waste per person in this school. The recommended amount for individuals within a school setting is 0.3 cubic meters. So we’re sending more to landfill than our share. Something had/has to change.

So what can we do about it?

  • Reduce your packaging intake - #avoid

Start at the beginning and try to reduce the packaging you bring into your household or school. For example, consider buying reusable bags for your fruit and veg when you're shopping. Decant into reusable containers and encourage your child not to buy single use plastics and water in plastic bottles from any business and of course, lead by example and do the same yourself.

  • Reuse what you’ve got - #reuse

When your daughter is making her own lunch each morning, try to ensure that she is reusing the same lunch box over and over. I have many discarded lunch boxes that I have washed and dried in my office (Lyceum staff room). Your daughter is welcome to come and choose some containers to take home. Don’t go buying more until you see what I’ve got.

  • Responsibility - #responsibility

At MGC we are trying to instil the value of personal responsibility into our students. We know that parts of the waste management system in Australia are broken and it is the responsibility of policy makers to find solutions. In the meantime we can act local and think global and take personal responsibility for the small amounts of waste that we generate throughout our day. It’s a small change that can make a big difference.

The success of the NPS relies very much on the help and cooperation of MGC families. It is an extraordinary and symbolic thing that MGC has embarked on and we can’t do it without you. Thank you for your continued support and as always do not hesitate to contact me if you have questions about our initiative. Together we can work towards reducing our reliance on plastics and make our children and ourselves healthier as a result.

Here are a few photos from our first couple of weeks of the NPS.

Paula McIntosh.

Waste Management Tips from MGC Staff!