Snow Trip 2019

Last Friday we had 96 students and 13 staff/parents depart MGC nice and early for a fun filled day learning the skills relating to downhill skiing and snowboarding. With a total of 83 out of those 96 students either First Timers or Beginners, it was a great opportunity to give students a chance to experience an alpine environment when they most likely might not ever get the chance.

I must take this opportunity to thank the 8 staff and 4 parents who accompanied me on the day and contributed to a successful day with their professionalism and good spirits (even though a broken down bus and poor road conditions threatened to derail the day).  

The student’s behavior, independence and positivity also went a long way to a wonderful, exciting and interesting day.

Below are a few reports from some of the students who attended the trip.

Andrew Fero-Kovassy

“The ski trip was lots of fun, we were lucky enough to arrive on time which meant we got a full day of skiing. One of the best parts for my group was when we first attempted wombat run and almost everyone fell over. Once we finally got up after laughing for at least a 5 minutes, and falling many more times, we got to the bottom of the run. At the end of the day we decided to try wombat run one more time before we had to go, and somehow managed to get to the bottom, only a little quicker than the first time. Great trip!”

Ellie Brennan (Year 10)


“The snow trip was an amazing experience.  It was my first time ever seeing snow and I was completely mesmerised by it. Learning how to snowboard was really difficult initially, but once we got the hang of it we all really enjoyed it.

It was a very long day, however it was completely worth it.  Overall, it was an amazing experience and something I’ll never forget.”

Victoria Gosios (Year 11) 

“Soon after arriving on the mountain it started snowing and we were off! All 96 of us either skiing or snowboarding. Although it was cold and windy, we had the best time. After lunch and getting warm we were back on the slopes and in the afternoon it became colder but then it snowed more and really heavy. Tons and tons of snow. I was lucky to be able ski down from the summit in the softest, soft snow! Amazing! This was my highlight of the day.

This was the best day and so good being with so many amazing girls and our staff were so good and helpful. It seems like we have formed more friendships having the most fun time.

By the end of the day it had snowed so much. So much snow, so much fun!” Indi Agosta (Year 7)