Middle School Report  

Over the last few weeks, students in both Year 9 and Year 10 have been summarising their learning over the course of the semester in preparation for semester tests and exams. Teachers have spent time with students reviewing their learning and supporting them to identify areas for targeted revision.


Year 9 Activities

From Tuesday 11 – Thursday 14 May, Year 9 students completed their NAPLAN tests for Language Conventions, Reading, Writing and Numeracy. Their behaviour during the tests was exemplary; especially their patience in getting into the Gym in an orderly fashion in the morning. 


Year 10 Activities

Work experience starts for Year 10 students on Thursday 10 June for six days.  Any student who has not yet confirmed a work placement and completed the necessary OHS modules must see a member of the careers team for support. Semester Two for Year 10 will start on Monday 24 June, with changes to students’ electives, and in some cases, their English and Maths teachers. 


Year 10 Peer Mentors are currently working with Mr Dane Stammers to shortlist candidates for the Year 9 Peer Mentor roles. They are also working closely with the Middle Sub School and Wellbeing team to organise events for the proactive program days that will take place after the Semester One exams finish.


Key Dates

Thursday 30 May – Friday 14 June

Year 10 Semester Exams – timetables have been provided to students and are also available from the Middle School Office


Monday 3 June

Year 9 Semester Tests – to take place in English/EAL, Maths, Science, Humanities and LOTE Class teachers will confirm the test schedule with students


Tuesday 11 June – Thursday 13 June                  

Year 10 students will be involved in a number of programs and events including African drumming, resilience projects, mindfulness sessions and a presentation from a guest speaker. 




Becky Annetts

Middle Sub School Leader