Junior School Report

This term, the remaining Year 7 classes are attending the school camp at Strathbogie School Camp. It has been a brilliant 3 days away where students cook, explore, canoe and hike amongst other things. It is a chance for students to bond and get to know their classmates and teacher well. All students are encouraged to attend. Year 8 Students will commence in Term 3.


Our Year Level Assembly had a focus on “Kindness’ and “Paying it Forward” which we will continue for the remainder of the year. Our focus of “Connect, Protect and Respect” is reminded every day to our students through class activities and conversation. The Junior School is very proud of our students in the way that they reinforce these values and demonstrate them to their peers and teachers. 


The Year 7 and 8 Netball Team and Soccer Team competed proudly at the Tournament, giving their best efforts and having fun and we were very proud of the sportsmanship that they demonstrated. Well done! 


The Athletics Carnival was held recently, and the participation was excellent. Students attempted many events and also supported each other, encouraging them to do their best. The weather was lovely, and students had an enjoyable day connecting to their peers.


The students continue to work hard throughout the year in class and are encouraged to seek support from their teachers if they are having difficulty with their subjects. 


PE classes are involved in Softball and learning about team sport. Italian classes are learning about differences of schooling in Italy and Australia and learning to describe their own schooling in Italian. The Year 8 French classes are enjoying being able to describe Food in French and are able to use language in a French restaurant. Integrated Studies classes are completing projects on Megacities and The Food Tech classes have been making pancakes and other delicious foods. 


Next term we are looking forward to our Pro-Active Programs of Anti- Bullying “The Hurting game” and also Digital Thumb Print which will occur on site. 



The students of 7J spent their final Japanese class before Mother’s Day practicing their Japanese calligraphy and honing their origami skills. The reason? To create unique cards to present to their mothers, of course. 


Having just learnt the Hiragana symbol は meant that the students were able write はは (Mum) on the front of their card. 


We hope the mothers of this skillful and creative class were thrilled with the results 

- Bronwyn Salton Teacher of Japanese


The Junior School coordinators look forward to continuing meeting parents and assisting them with any concerns they may have about their child. Please contact us if you need support for your child. If you need to meet with a coordinator in person, please organise a meeting through the General Office.





Lauren Honeycombe

Junior Sub School leader