From the Principal Class Team

Year 10 Alumni Career Pathways Panel and My Career Rules program

On Thursday 13 May, all Year 10 students took part in a morning of career pathway discussions.

A group of approximately 20 Year 10 students attended the My Career Rules program run by the Australian Business and Community Network (ABCN).  This consisted of an online panel run by the Commonwealth Bank where students heard about different pathways in the banking industry and could ask questions they had related to this sector. We thank Adrian McCall, our Community and Business Partner Coordinator, and Katie Pinchas from ABCN who oversaw this event.



At the same time, the remainder of Year 10 attended a presentation by a panel of alumni who completed their schooling over the previous 8 years and are now in a range of career pathways and have experienced various study options since leaving secondary school.  This panel spoke about their own experiences and provided ideas and advice to assist with transitioning from school to study and/or work.  This presentation was organised by our Alumni Program Coordinator, Nicole Gurd, who directed questions to panel members and fielded questions from the students.  We thank Nicole for putting together such an engaging event.  Thanks also to the alumni panel members who so generously gave their time and shared their insights with the audience. The panel consisted of Janaki Kharel, Jacqueline Musiov, Lucy Zhang, Eangano Singehebhuye and Victoria Obieglo.


We’d like to acknowledge the Year 10 students for their engagement with these events and thoughtful questions that a number of them asked of the panel members during the two sessions.


Progress Reports

A reminder that Year 7 to 11 Progress Reports are now available on Compass. Please contact your child’s Year Level Coordinator if you have any questions.

Year 12 Progress Reports will be available on Compass from Thursday 10 June.  A reminder will be sent out when they are released.


Careers Expo

On Friday 14 May, over 400 Year 11 and 12 students visited the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds to attend the annual Careers Expo. This is an important event for our Senior students as they start to think more seriously about their pathways post Year 12. A reminder that the MIPs team is available for any students or parents who would extra support through this important time.


Athletics Carnival

The College Athletics Carnival was held 2 weeks ago and was a tremendous success with very high levels of student participation. A big congratulations goes out to Freeman House who received the most points on the day and take out the title as Athletics Carnival House Champions for 2021. A big thank you also goes out to Mr Robert Lakovski and HPE Team, Julie Panayiotou and the House Team Leader for their organisation of the carnival, as well as the VCAL team for running the BBQ and activities on the day.