00AHenni BFor working extremely hard to complete her tasks to the highest of standards. We love having you in our classroom Hen.
00BMatilda TFor always trying your hardest every day in every lesson. You don’t let anything get you down. Keep working your hardest, gorgeous girl. 
12AArthur MFor being so involved in our farm visit and asking great questions. 
12BArchee MFor his excellent participation on our farm excursion.
12CKiara MFor participating fully, asking questions and sharing what she learned during our farm excursion.
34ADarcy KFor working hard to recognise how an author varies their use of sentence types to add interest and paint a more visual  picture in the reader's head.
34BJerrawa MThe responsible and mature decisions he is making in the classroom. Well done Jizzy, keep up the awesome work, you should be very proud.  
34CBrenton M

Always following our PAL values.

Also, the respect and attentive listening you showed during the Level 3 Assembly was fabulous. Thank you Brenton.

34DCadie BWhat a kind and caring classmate you are! Thank-you for always displaying the PAL values in our classroom. 
56ASheyda B

Your enthusiasm for writing your Book of the Year narrative.

You are taking feedback so well. Welcome back little legend.

56BThor CFor always trying his best and contributing to class discussions. Keep up the great work! 
56CKaelan CFor having an open mindset towards learning and challenging himself to do better. Keep it up!
56DDaniel KBeing a great leader within our classroom and throughout the school community.



12BAbigail UFor working hard to improve her vocabulary in writing. 
34CMorgan SFor using author’s voice in her writing. It makes your writing unique and interesting to read.
56CJaiden LFor always participating in our shared reading and writing lessons and considering our success criteria to level up her learning - your hard work is paying off!



12BAva CFor making great connections between addition and subtraction in maths. 
34CDusty RobertsFor his great attitude, effort and knowledge during our double maths sessions. Well done! Keep it up!
56COliver RevellFor applying his knowledge of multiplication number facts in our Fast 50’s to get 50/50 and move up in levels Keep it up!