Student Voice

Thank you students!

Year 1


Within Year 1 Science, classes have been looking at daily and seasonal changes and their effect on us everyday. We have looked at how the weather changes with the seasons and how this affects what we eat, wear and the activities we do.


During remote learning, students were asked to tell us  their favourite weather conditions and why.


Their work is fantastic!


Their work is fantastic!


Biggest Morning Tea Fundraiser result

Well done IPS! What a sensational result.



3KC completed a reflection for the newsletter  about Reconciliation week and what it means to them. They watched a BTN clip and read through a PowerPoint as part of the reading activity, then reflected on what reconciliation means. 


Rachel H from 4F shares a zen mandalla

“Inside Ivanhoe”  is looking for student contributions of student work and student activity that is fit to be shared so I have reactivated the only email that is used for this purpose – it goes straight to me and will be open until 11th of June.


Mark Kent
