Head of Campus

Remote Learning
Our transition to remote learning happened quickly. Thank you to all the students, staff and families for being patient, resilient and supportive. Pivoting back to this way of learning is no easy task, but it happened smoothly.
Friday 4 June marked the joyful return of our Years 11 and 12 DP students into Blackhall and Kalimna, and I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to hear the rooms full of life again. Our Years 7 to 10 MYP students are continuing to learn remotely, with the hope they will return on Friday 11 June.
Information as we receive it will be relayed to you via Compass Newsfeed so please keep an eye out there. As always, if you have any questions or concerns relating to remote learning please feel free to contact your child's Year Level Coordinator or me.
In finding the balance between community celebrations, restrictions and safety precautions, a number of excursions, camps and school-wide events needed to be postponed or cancelled. Events such as the Quiz Night and Years 11 and 12 Formal will be rescheduled and new dates will be communicated as soon as possible. The return to remote learning also meant that our Interdisciplinary Units for Years 7 to 10 had to be put on hold.
General Achievement Test (GAT)
The 2021 General Achievement Test (GAT) will be rescheduled, at a date yet to be determined.
The decision to reschedule the GAT was made to support students and schools with focusing on completing coursework and school-based assessments on return to classrooms.
The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) is currently determining the most appropriate date and we will keep you updated as soon as this information is made available.
Assessment and reporting
As well as creating engaging and rich online learning programs, teachers have also been busy assessing work and writing reports.
Semester One reports will be published at the end of Term Two through Compass and an email notification will be sent when they are available for viewing. Please contact the School if you need assistance with this.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish Natalie Jensen the best of luck with her new adventures in the Netherlands. We have worked alongside each other for over eight years and her presence and expertise will be missed. I am grateful to have been afforded the opportunity to support Natalie in her role as Interim Principal over the last six months.
This is my last newsletter piece for the Secondary campus, my next one will be written from Arlington. I hope you all have a wonderful mid-semester break and look forward to seeing you, from afar, in Term Three.
Victor Toufas
Acting Head of Campus