Year 7-9 Sector 

Year 7

This term, students have challenged themselves academically and shown efforts to be more inclusive and build positive relationships with one another. All students have been working extremely hard on their assignments and preparing for upcoming tests in preparation for the term’s conclusion. Well done to all students for trying their best and showing resilience during remote learning.


Please note: Next term, Art and French subjects will be replaced by Food Technology and Music as they are semester-based subjects. Special thanks to Mr. Fenech, Ms. Vercoe and Ms. Nguyen for their work during Semester 1. 


We welcome to our Year 7 teaching team, Mrs. Lele, Mr. Apted and Mr. Ebert for Semester 2.  


Cohort Games

Cohort Games are a great way for students and teachers to band together and represent their class in a competitive and fun way. This term students have been playing the game, Chicken Run. Thus far, 7C are in the lead to win the trophy! We have had to put the competition on hold due to the Covid-19 restrictions, however will reconvene again next term to play out the remainder of the tournament.

Value Jars

Our College Values drive the work that we do at Brookside College. Year 7 students have been working hard throughout the course of the term and have been recognised for the demonstration of our 4 College Values. Students have been acknowledged and praised for showing respect, resilience, relationships and rights. For this, students have been rewarded with coloured sand. Accumulated, the class with the most sand by the end of the term will receive prize! The winning class will 

be announced on Thursday in the last week of Term 2.



Our Year 7 Hands on Learning students have been developing new and transferrable skills in Trade and Café. Well done on having a growth mindset and taking on new challenges!

Lake Dewar Lodge

On 24th-26th of May, our Year 7 students went to camp in Bacchus Marsh. Students had so much fun and thoroughly enjoyed the yummy food! Students engaged in a variety of adventure activities and challenges, such as, canoeing, flying fox, geocaching, kick biking, survivor challenge, mountain biking and adventure tunnelling! Students increased their self-confidence, worked in teams and built on their independence. Some of the activities were physically demanding, whilst others ensured a mental test. Well done to all students on showing resilience and taking on new and exciting challenges!  


Year 9

We welcome our year 9s back to face to face learning after 2 weeks of zoom calls, zoom games and learning grids. I would like to thank all our Year 9s who attended our Lakeview Transition Zooms last week and have begun the enrolment process for 2022. Please see below the instructions for Year 10 enrolment. 


1. Go to

2. Parent Information tab

3. Enrolment tab

4. 2022 Enrolment Enquiry Form

5. Fill in the form and save 

6. Send the Enrolment Enquiry Form and attach a proof of residence form (rates/rental agreement) to  by 4pm Monday the 21st of June 2021

Students are heading into their last few weeks of semester 1 electives after a successful term 1 and 2 of Wednesday and Thursday electives- we look forward to the next set of electives for students in terms 3 and 4 including events planning, wood work and psychology!

I would like to also congratulate our Year 9 Badminton and Year 9 Netball team who competed in Interschool sports right before lockdown. Our girls netball team made it to the semi-finals, narrowly missing the grand final by just four goals. 

 Unfortunately due to the current restrictions our Experiential learning block will need to be postponed for this term and we hope for it’s return in Term 3, so please ensure that you are checking compass regularly for any updates.