Congratulations Mrs Wansbrough
Thanking Principal Catriona Wansbrough for her 10 years of service to our College
At the conclusion of Term One the College staff joined together to celebrate Mrs Catriona Wansbrough’s 10 year anniversary as Principal at the College.
A number of staff spoke about Catriona’s total commitment to the College and the significant personal sacrifice she has given as she has led the College through a time of growth in student numbers and the development of facilities. Many spoke of her passion to keep Christ as the central focus in every aspect of the College.
Thank you Catriona for your leadership of the College and your ongoing commitment to make the College the best Christian school possible.
Darren Waterworth
Business Manager
Knox Citizenship Award
Congratulations Joshua Bishop
During our time of lockdown in 2020, the school was asked by the Knox Council to nominate students for their yearly Citizenship Award. The decision was made to nominate Joshua Bishop, then in Year 7, to receive this award in the Year 7 & 8 cohort.
Joshua was an amazing and exemplary “online citizen”. He was always ready for homeroom early in the mornings, dressed neatly and with a neat, crisp hairstyle. He would greet the teacher politely, and was one of the most responsive students online.
Joshua’s work was handed in well-prepared and completed to a high standard. He never lost speed and remained continually positive, polite and friendly throughout the period of lockdown.
Congratulations, Josh!
Mrs Christa Cloete
Year 7 & 8 Coordinator
Historic Day at St Andrews
On Wednesday 12th May 2021, Deputy Principal Tim Farmilo flicked the switch on our Solar Panels! The installation of the solar panels on the Secondary School building took place at the beginning on the month and will power the electricity across the College property.
Darren Waterworth
Business Manager
Parent/Staff Prayer Evening via ZOOM
St Andrews weekly Zoom Prayer Meetings are now held on Tuesday evenings from 8:00pm – 8:30pm. The next one will be on Tuesday 25th May. All are invited to this time of prayer. We are greatly blessed at St Andrews to have the opportunity to gather together for prayer.
It is always a real blessing and encouragement to remind ourselves of the goodness of our Lord in our own lives and in the life of the College. If you cannot make the prayer time, please put aside time to pray for St Andrews Christian College.
Any further queries can be directed to Suzy Song at the School Office.
Suzy Song
The St Andrews Prayer Group
St Andrews Prayer Group
The St Andrews Prayer Group would also like to welcome and invite all parents to come along and join in prayer, with other parents, for the needs of the St Andrews College community.
Meetings are held once a week at the following time: Wednesdays 8:45am - 9:30am (after school drop off)
Prayer is held in the Meeting room, next to the Reception area and all are welcome. It is a great opportunity to join in fellowship with other parents.
We are greatly blessed at St Andrews to have the opportunity to gather together for prayer. As Christians we are called to pray, and we encourage parents to join us. Be reassured that you do not have to pray out loud if you are not comfortable in doing so.
“And pray ….on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints”
- Ephesians 6:18 NIV.
“If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
- 2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV.
“If you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any fellowship with the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose”.
- Philippians 2:1, 2 NIV.
Any further queries can be directed to Suzy Song at the School Office.
Suzy Song
The St Andrews Prayer Group
Rich in Hope and Purpose
Developing a Missional and Service Mindset in Christian Education
Last Term, Principal Catriona Wansbrough joined Sandra Scott of Christian Schools Australia and ACSI (Association Christian Schools International) on their Horizons Podcast to talk about the intentional positioning of the Mission and Service Learning culture at St Andrews Christian College. As with all educational institutions St Andrews seeks to develop great global citizens, however our reason is different, as is reflected in our College's Mission Service Learning program. It is learning for the benefit of God's Kingdom.
Key things shared in the podcast:
- School is about more than great academic results
- Always focus on the ‘why’: what are our end goals?
- In a Christian school, education is ultimately for the benefit of God’s Kingdom
- How do we build a school culture which incorporates a missional and service mindset?
- Priorities must be reflected in a school’s documents, budget, staffing, and time allocation
- It all starts with intentional leadership
Mission Service Learning
Year 2 have completed their Mission Service Learning activity of creating bookmarks for a Mothers' Day Solo Mums event at City Life Community Care (CLCC) which took place last week! Thanks to Judy and Tayla for your support!
Oh WOW! What a wonderful picture of everyone and the bookmarks look BEAUTIFUL, filled with colour and joy and clearly made with love. Thank you everyone from Year 2.
Sue Horwood
Community Mentoring & Training Team Leader - CityLife Community Care
St Andrews' Year 2, 3 and 4 students will be visiting the CLCC food bank in June to see how the program supports Knox families in need.
Year 6, 7 and 8 students will be helping Foothills Community Care in May and June with their Christian Kitchen project. If you would like to know more about these community projects please get in touch with me via email
Andrew Farmer
Mission Service Learning Co-ordinator
Book Your Tickets Now!
Language Competition Winner
Education Perfect, a program used as part of students’ Language learning, held a Language competition from the 16th- 23rd March. It was held during the week the school had Continuous Online Learning.
During this time, students needed to gain as many points as they could by completing a variety of tasks set by Education Perfect.
Beatrice Connolly received a Credit Award.
Congratulations, Bea!
Ms Nikki Miao and Mrs Lynne Marks
Fundraising Update
Thank you so much to all who contributed to fundraising for Samaritan’s Purse. The casual clothes day at the end of term 1 raised just under $2000 which is having a big impact in the education of students in rural Cambodia.
“We are really thankful to Samaritan’s Purse for their help to our students,” said Mrs. Nioy Seyneun, the school principal from the community of Kcheay in Cambodia. “Our students are now more desirous that they could pursue their dreams to finish their studies and someday become professionals and help their parents stop going to Thailand and work for a living. They are hoping that one day the cycle of poverty in their family will be broken.”
Our funds help to provide literacy and numeracy materials for the students and also some professional development for the teachers.
Please pray for the education of the students in Cambodia and that Samaritan’s Purse can continue providing the training and support required to help students and teachers flourish.
Please also continue to generously support any upcoming fundraising events knowing that your gifts are making a big difference in people’s lives.
Greg Crotty
Head of Science
St Andrews Excelling in the East
The Age newspaper runs a series each year called Schools that Excel that pinpoints and celebrates schools that have shown continuous improvement over the past decade. They gather VCE results going back 10 years for every secondary school in the state. Schools are divided into metropolitan and regional, and also divided into metropolitan west, north, east and south Melbourne.
This year St Andrews Christian College has been named the winner of the Eastern Melbourne non-government division. As a College we would like to congratulate each and every one of our staff members for this wonderful effort. No one staff member has achieved this individually – this is a collaborative effort in aiming to be the best provider of Christian Education that we can be for God’s glory. We help each student to achieve their best and find their giftings to serve and make a difference in God’s kingdom.
The Age will be doing a story on St Andrews CC and the other winners in June.
Catriona Wansbrough
Café Survey
We are close to opening of the College Café! Could you please complete the linked survey to help us in our planning.
Darren Waterworth
Business Manager
Parents on Site During School Hours
Please be aware that if parents wish to enter or visit the College once the school day has commenced, they MUST report to the main office to receive a visitors pass. No parent is allowed on the College grounds during school hours without reporting to the main office first.
This is a safety requirement to ensure anyone visiting the school is easily identifiable by their visitor’s pass. It is also a requirement in order to keep our students and our College community safe at all times. Your assistance with adhering to this request would be much appreciated. Please note: Parents are not required to report to the office if they are coming to collect their children at 3:30pm, the end of the school day.
Tim Farmilo
Deputy Principal
Outside School Hours Care Newsletter
St Andrews Entertainment Membership Offer
Secondhand Uniform Shop - Updated hours
Second Hand Uniform Co-ordinator: Mrs Cara Beovich
Opening Day and Times: Fridays 9:00am – 10:00am & 2:30pm – 3:30pm
For more information, contact the front office on 03 8847 8300