Leadership Centre

Term 1 Week 10


Selamat sore!

It was yet another jam packed week full of exciting events for students in the Leadership Centre! To start,  students said ‘cheese’ and smiled for the camera as school photos were taken in the hall as well as the new and improved junior playground. In addition, students met with both parents/carers and their classroom teacher to showcase the progress they have made in their learning and to reflect on and discuss learning goals. All teachers were impressed with how students conducted themselves during this time and it was wonderful to hold 3-Way Conferences at school, in person!


The teachers of the Leadership Centre wanted to take this opportunity to thank families to ensure that Year 5 students were prepared for their participation in the NAPLAN Practice session on Thursday. This provided students with the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the NAP Browser App and practise navigating the platform. It is important to remember that all students should come to school everyday with a fully charged iPad and have labelled headphones to use for a variety of learning experiences. During this time, the Year 6 students worked with Year 4 students on a Harmony Week activity that saw them exploring how different colours can hold a variety of meanings in a range of contexts, including that of cultural significance.

In Writing last week, students explored three different persuasive techniques: appealing to reason, emotion and character and connected this to Aristotle’s three modes of persuasion: Logos, Ethos and Pothos which he identified as crucial elements in the art of persuasion. Students explored how each of these different appeals were used in a variety of persuasive advertisements and explored using each to create different newspaper headlines, discussing the purpose of word choice to give deeper meaning. Students are now looking to experiment with these techniques along with a range of persuasive devices in their own persuasive text where students will engage in the entire writing process.

In Mathematics, students were tasked with the very important and special responsibility of interpreting and analysing important data. Earlier this term, students completed a survey in regards to Stimulated Learning in Mathematics and were able to review and evaluate the data to provide valuable insights that has shaped our Mathematics units in the Leadership Centre for Term 1, showcasing the importance that MPRPS places on student voice and agency. Students completed the survey once again last week and were impressed with how the data has improved! With this, students voice their ideas and predictions as to why the data has improved and provided further feedback in regards to further improvements. Staff have been impressed with how students have responded to this particular data and we look forward to further exploring how student voice and agency can continue to grow within our school. 

Harmony Day was a great way to close Week 9, with all students dressing up in cultural clothing to celebrate diversity and inclusion within our school community! 

5/6 Camp

We can’t believe that we are now into Week 10 of Term 1 with our trip to Beechworth happening this Tuesday the 29th. The 5/6 staff would like to send our warmest thanks to all Leadership Centre families who have supported us to make this happen! We are very appreciative. We can’t wait to share this experience with all students!


Have a wonderful week,

Mrs Brisbane, Miss Walker, Miss Campbell, Ms Bennetts, Mr Burrill and Mr Dix 

GRIP Leadership Conference

Last Thursday our school leaders and representatives from each Year 6 Leadership Team attended the GRIP Leadership Conference. The GRIP Student Leadership Conference is unique in that it concentrates specifically on training student leaders for their role as school leaders. The style, topics, and content of this conference all focus on what the students can do RIGHT NOW.


The students had a fabulous day collaborating with other school leaders, developing a vision for their team, and brainstorming how to lead positive change within the school. They learnt about 'stepping up' and strategies to raise the standard of teamwork, all whilst showing integrity as a leader. The representatives who attended will each share their learning with their teams as a part of Year 6 Leadership Hour in Week 11. Ms Bennetts and Mr Burrill were proud of the students, who modelled respect and excellence at all times while representing our school. 

NAPLAN - Year 3 and 5

To ensure a smooth transition for the upcoming NAPLAN tests in May, students in Years 3 and 5 undertook a practice NAPLAN test last Thursday March 24. Unfortunately, there were many students who did not have headphones and/or the locked down browser (see image). 

Please ensure ALL students in Years 3 and 5 have downloaded the NAP Locked Down Browser App AND/OR have updated it to its latest update. All students require headphones for NAPLAN and for their regular weekly learning activities. If you have any issues downloading the app or purchasing headphones, please contact the school office.


Student Voice

  • Brooke C - "It was important because students can share their ideas with teachers so the teachers can reflect and see how they can make the data percentages higher and make Maths more engaging"
  • Yianni I - "I loved how we all wore different outfits on Harmony Day to acknowledge and celebrate other cultures"
  • Russell Y - "On Thursday, some Year 6 students got to learn how to take more initiative and learn more about how to build our leadership skills while attending the GRIP leadership conference"


  • 5/6 Camp: Tuesday 29th March - Friday 1st April
  • Please complete the I.C.E. survey located on Google Classroom or on Sentral
  • Please ensure students have headphones at school

Pupil of the Week

5/6B: Tanaka M -

Well done Tanaka for developing some very accurate and considered reflections about your Writing during your 3- way conference. Your references to your current and future learning goals in your Writing was amazing to hear. Terrific Tanaka!


5/6C:  Jarvis G -

For creating an impressive poem in response to the 'I am Australian Too' story by Mem Fox. You successfully followed the poem structure and included a great picture to match our new class narrative! Just awesome, Jarvis! 


5/6D: Liam W -

Amazing work demonstrating the character strength of kindness when meeting your foundation buddy for the first time. It was great to hear you asking them so many questions, lovely work Liam! 


5/6EB: Alan G -

For exemplifying the school values every day! You always act with integrity and show inclusion when you share your ideas in class. Thank you for leading by example and for working so diligently. Amazing, Alan!


5/6W: Nishtha V -

For demonstrating confidence and self-awareness when reflecting on your learning. You always consider your next steps and think critically about the strategies that will help you move forward in achieving your goals. Nice work, Nishtha