
Year 7-9 students have had a busy four weeks completing the Statistics unit of work. Students analysed a range of data sets and investigated the mean, median, mode, and range. A very exciting learning task that students in Years 7 and 8 completed involved gathering statistics from their own body measurements. This included students learning about the gorilla ape index and their heart rates. Students were extremely curious about their measurements.
Students who received growth certificates for the Statistics unit include; Gilbert, Sithuli, Darcy, and Lia Amor from Year 8.
Anna Harper, Jamie Sarem, and Alyssa Hodgson from Year 9. These students have demonstrated dedication to improving their results. Well Done!
Year 7 will be published next newsletter.
In the senior year levels, Year 10 students have just completed their unit on Probability with growth certificates being awarded to Abby Steele, Lea Rose Briones and Jordan Carter. Excellent effort!
Year 11 and 12 General Maths and Further Maths have just completed their first SAC for the year. Student have been working extremely hard to ensure they succeed.
da Vinci Decathlon
Select students at Scoresby Secondary College participated in the da Vinci Decathlon. This is an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate the minds of students. Students competed in teams of eight across 10 disciplines: engineering, mathematics, code-breaking, art and poetry, science, English, ideation, creative producers, cartography, and legacy.
The da Vinci Decathlon is designed to challenge and enrich the learning of the highest-performing students in Australia. The competition offers a unique opportunity for students to engage in an interschool competition, to extend themselves intellectually and creatively, to problem-solve collaboratively, and to develop their skills as effective team members. Da Vinci Decathlon is a national and global phenomenon, involving thousands of government and non-government students across Australia.
It was truly an amazing experience to witness our very own students challenge themselves and perform under pressure.
Well done to all students who were involved.
Year 7 Team
Ava Byrne
Adam Du
William Kirk
Zane Pagarliotas
Abigail Bryant
Samantha Willems
Annabel Beaumont
Abigail Tan
Year 8 Team
Kayla Brownlie
Bek Howarth
Addi Jones
Harper Allan
Cooper Tudor
Lia Amor
Declan Fitzgerald
Mahmoud Hamdan
Year 9 Team
Zach Bissett
Wesley Ferdinands
Storm Pascua
Savanna Ferguson
Aaron Carter
Shaelah Caruana
Josh Zammit
Abi Sathyaseelan
QuickSmart Report
Scoresby Secondary College aims to improve all learners no matter where their starting point may be.
Currently, a number of students are participating in an intervention program designed for students who experience persistent difficulties in literacy and/or numeracy. The programs provide a framework with short and targeted lesson components for educators to work through with their students.
The aim of QuickSmart is to enable students to become automatic (quick) in their basic skills in order to move on to more complex problem-solving skills (smart). It is based at the SiMERR National Research Centre, located at the University of New England in Armidale, Australia.
What do the students think about QuickSmart?
“I really like QuickSmart as it helps me learn and become more confident”
Tina Whitworth-Dodson
“It gives me a positive learning experience” Ashton Ross
“QuickSmart is really fun as you can learn more things and get better”
Jonathan Pirera
“I really like the activity and games as they are short and fun”
Nicholas Price
Ms Michelle de Boer
Mathematics Coordinator