Art & Technology

Food Technology
A really big thank you to all of the students who donated their time to help organise, prepare, and serve food on Open Night. The feedback about the positive attitude of the students was great to hear. The food prepared was definitely a hit by everyone who walked through the doors.
Go team.
Mrs Ruth Smith
Food Technology Teacher
We have had a fantastic start to drama this year being back in the classroom!
Our students have demonstrated such strength in their ability to collaborate and support each other in practical exercises. The level of engagement from our Year 8 students has been inspirational and I am so proud of the dedication they have shown in all their classes this year.
Year 9 drama students have worked tirelessly to develop and strengthen their improvisational skills which was showcased at our recent Open Day / Night. Parents came into the drama space, spoke with our students, and took a keen interest in the performance units available to drama students. I was incredibly proud of how these students took ownership of their learning and promoted our department to prospective students.
This semester, students will establish authentic and believable characters and apply these skills to interpreting and performing scripted drama performances. Our Year 9 students are investigating Indian performance theories and practices through the Rasaboxes method of acting which allows them to perform a range of emotions using movement and breath to shape their performances. These skills will prepare students for senior drama in the coming years and give them the confidence to take risks and develop their performance skills.
Mr Sam Eddy
Drama Teacher