Senior School Report

Senior School Report
It was wonderful to have our students return to school at the start of Term Two. The energy they bring really reminds us of why we love working in education.
In week one a very successful Open Night was conducted where Scoresby Secondary College had the opportunity to highlight why we should be a school of choice. A big thank-you to our student volunteers whose enthusiasm to showcase our school is really appreciated.
During week two our Year 12 students attended Melbourne University for the day. Both Mrs Smith (Year 11 and 12 coordinator) and myself could not have been more impressed with the behaviour of our students for the entire day. They were great ambassadors for our school and all parents should be proud of these fine young people.
Also, in week two our Year 10 students attended a workshop on study skills by the ‘Elevate Education Group’. They are regular presenters for our senior school students and are a very engaging organisation with clear learning strategies for our students.
Finally, Term Two is the term that our senior school students need to continue to apply themselves. Great learning is on offer this term but students need to regularly revise vocabulary and key concepts to reinforce learning. As senior school students the feedback offered by teachers should be taken on board to enhance their understanding. If they are unsure of the key concepts covered in your class, it is important for you to seek further clarification as Term Two really is the foundation for the remainder of the year!
Ormond College
On Monday the 1 May, the year 12 cohort was fortunate enough to be given the opportunity to visit Ormond College; a residential campus that is a subset of Melbourne University. Upon arrival, we were given a quick look around campus. We then started off the day with an explanation as to how ATAR’s are calculated and our study scores are derived from none other than Mr. Corrie; this was an eye-opening experience.
Our second speaker of the day was Tristan Miller; we heard his truly inspiring story that left us all in awe. By the end of his presentation, we wanted to join him in his next marathon. We learned the importance of balance and pushing ourselves past what we are told is possible. With his awe-inspiring story of breaking a world record and facing adversity head-on, we too learned that we will not only get through this year, but we will also do our best.
We ended the day with a tour that took us around campus, into every nook and cranny; to get a real feeling of what it’s like to be in university. All in all, this will be a day that is not easily forgotten, instead one to be remembered for some time.
Sam Dhillon
Year 12
Mr Mark Corrie
Head of Senior School