Catholic Identity and Mission

Holy Week 


Holy Week is an important time of our Liturgical Calendar. As finish  Holy Week and prepare our hearts for Easter, it’s easy to become caught up in the excitement of egg hunts, palm branch crosses, and chocolate bunnies.


The liturgies of Holy Week are filled with some of the richest and most ancient symbols of the Catholic faith. The waving of palms on Passion (Palm) Sunday reminds us that we are called to be followers of Jesus, not just fans who cheer from a distance. The washing of feet on Holy Thursday speaks to us of the selfless love that we are called to practice in imitation of Jesus. The veneration of the cross on Good Friday reminds us that, as Christians, we believe that Jesus can overcome anything, even death. The lighting of the Easter fire in a darkened church and the celebration of baptisms on Holy Saturday speak to us of the new life that is ours because of Jesus’ triumph over the darkness of sin and death through his resurrection. 


The story of Jesus’ suffering and Death are at the heart of Christian faith. They are at the heart of our very existence and meaning. Although this year were  not be able to celebrate in a liturgical setting it is still important to try and find a way to acknowledge these celebrations within the home, through small prayer services or liturgies to commemorate the life that Jesus gave so that we may live. 


As the Easter season continues let us continue to keep in our hearts and minds the sacrifices that Jesus made for us on the cross. I wish everyone a safe and fruitful Easter. 


  Easter prayer for children


God made you and God made me,

He made the world for us to see.

God loves you and long ago,

He sent his Son to tell us so.


Jesus showed us many things,

To love and share and dance and sing.

To learn and pray, to help and care,

He promised he'd always be there.


He died but then came back to life,

Let's celebrate for he's alive! 





Adelaide Day Centre


Thank you to those who contributed to our can drive. Adelaide Centre is forever grateful for the school's assistance in helping those Homeless this Easter Season. 



Easter Liturgies in the Parish

Below you will see the schedule of the Easter Liturgies at Clearview/ Kilburn Parishes


Sacramental Programme

The programme which is PARISH based, FAMILY centred and SCHOOL supported. It prepares and celebrates with candidates for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Holy Communion. 


Congratulations to all the children who celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation two weeks ago. We look forward to celebrating Confirmation in June.  Please keep them in your prayers as they follow the path.


Karla Sparapani