Freeman House News

Welcome back to Term 2, we hope all the students had a restful break. A reminder that week 9 is a short term and there are lots of events that are occurring over this term


Firstly, thank you to all the caregivers and students that attended the Student Led Conferences. This was a great opportunity to meet the caregivers of our students but also for students to really celebrate their achievements over the year as well identify as the opportunities to improve in their subject areas. We believe in working as team to support students in their learning and meeting with caregivers and students to continue to built that partnership.


There are a number of events that caregivers and students need to be aware of over the term. Please take the time to check Compass, the College Website and Social Media as we move through the term. Some very exciting opportunities are occurring for students including, athletics carnival, year 7 swimming program, year 8 camp, year 9 city week excursion, year 10 work experience, year 11 and 12 structured workplace learning for VCAL students and year 12 formal. 


Values Nominations

Since the last News Hamper, the values nominations have kept rolling in, considering there has been school holidays in between, this is a fantastic effort. Well done to all the nominated students and a special mention to Mimmy in year 7 and Sousean in year 11 who both received 6 nominations each during this time.





Currently, Freeman has 63 students with 100% attendance for the year. Congratulations to these students. This being said, there are many students that have approved their attendance over the year and we also congratulate this students in making the effort to focus on their learning. A reminder that if students are absent that caregivers should contact the college on the morning of their absence. More time at school equals more supported learning time and greater opportunities for success.