HCC Features

Well done, Mrs Gover!

Congratulations to one of our own – Melanie Gover! Melanie was nominated for the AMT Teacher Award (Australian Maths Competition).

The AMT Teacher Award is one that recognises an outstanding contribution in teaching mathematics within a school community. Melanie was selected and invited to attend the AMC Awards Ceremony which was held on 15 of November 2019. She secured a third place out of all the schools in Melbourne and was presented with a certificate and a cash award. Well done, Mrs Gover!

Australian Mathematics Competition 2019

On Thursday 1 August many of our talented Mathematics students wrote the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) which was divided into 4 divisions: Middle Primary (Grade 3&4), Upper Primary (Grade 5&6), Junior (Year 7&8) and Intermediate (Year 9&10).


This competition ran for 60 minutes for Primary and 75 minutes for Secondary students and was out of 30 questions, 25 of these were multiple-choice, increasing in their level of difficulty as the students worked through the paper. The last 5 questions were more of a problem-solving nature.



The following students are to be congratulated on their wonderful efforts and results:


P – Prize       H - High Distinction      D – Distinction

Melanie Gover

Maths Enrichment Coordinator

Champions Medal Tally

Below is a table of Heatherton Christian College Champions Athletics Carnival Results (44 personal bests). A total of 54 medals (18 gold, 19 silver and 17 bronze).

Well done, Students!

Primary Music: Count Us In

On Thursday 7 November the Primary students participated in Australia’s largest school music participation program, Music: Count Us In. This is a national school music participation program that sees students from all around the country take part, all learning the same song in the lead up to Celebration Day.



Students all around the country sing the same song, on the same day, at the same time. It was a great experience to be able to join in with Music: Count Us In again this year.

Grade 1 Objects from the Past

Over Term 4, Grade 1 students have engaged in a unit of study, 'Through Generations', where they had an opportunity to investigate different objects from the past.



They looked at old cameras, cassette tapes and typewriters. They also looked at how these objects have changed and improved over time such as rotary dial telephones to portable mobile phones. Can you recognise anything from your past?

Grade 6 Graduation Evening


On Monday 18 November, we held our Grade 6 Graduation Evening. It is always a highlight in our Senior Primary calendar as students, staff and teachers get together to acknowledge these wonderful students. It’s a chance to reflect on how far they have all come and a chance to celebrate the gifts and talents that God has given them.



The night was filled with fancy clothes and a special dinner. It was also an opportunity for teachers to individually recognise each student and present them with their graduation plaque as proud parents watched on. We wish the class of 2019 all God’s very best as they move onto Secondary school.


Ashika Correra

Grade 6 Teacher

Mouse Trap Race

When we think about motion, we think of things that move, such as cars, bikes, scooters and planes. For something to change its motion, it must be pushed or pulled. In this chapter, on forces, the students were introduced to balanced and unbalanced forces, friction, gravity, magnetic force and magnetic fields.


As a part of an inquiry-based learning project, the students had to build ‘Mouse Trap Cars’ in groups. Last Friday, we had a competition in the gym and Mr James Karis, an engineer by profession, encouraged and spoke to the students about different aspects of building the car.


The winning team’s car not only went for 3 metres but the whole length of the gym and earned themselves some chocolates and Canteen vouchers.



Jacky Gupta

Head of Middle School

Year 7 Humanities Parliament House Excursion


The Year 7 students visited Parliament House and the Immigration Museum on Wednesday, 23 October to enhance their learning and understanding of the contents covered in the topics of Civic and Citizenship, and also Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and traditions. Below are some of their recounts:


Renee Patten    

We had a very interesting experience at the museum. We learnt a lot about families from other cultures and the plight of refugees.

Christian Vilar  

The visit to Parliament House was a lifetime experience.  I got to sit where the real laws are made.

Eden Karis    

Initially the Parliament House seems boring, but when you learn about the history of our state, it becomes very intriguing. Libraries are stacked with books waiting to be read. 

Tiana Daniel

We had lots of fun at the immigration museum. It was extremely sad to read about the suffering of refugees who came to Australia to be safe.

Kaiya Bunyon    

At the immigration museum, we did lots of dress-up cultural activities and learnt about the different cultures in Australia.

Jack Soriano    

The visit to the museum helped me reflect on the past. I am Vietnamese and it was interesting reading about the war in Vietnam.

Olivia Mazzini    

I finally go to see where the state laws are made.

Jesse Yeap    

At Parliament House, I learnt about political jargon like ‘shadow minister’, ‘cross-benchers’ etc.

London Ball    

The trip to Parliament House was educational and informative and so was the bus ride.

Spencer James    

I finally learnt that we have over 13500 state laws in Melbourne.


Nowel Abraham

Year 7 Humanities Teacher

HCC Wetland

We are starting our own wetland on the property at the back of the tennis courts. The plants are aquatic and have been recommended by a botanist who is working for Australian ecosystems that plant out and design some major wetland areas over Victoria.



There are some bulbs in the mix which will lose their leaves and flowers in winter but next year I will place some more plants in to counter that. As they grow, they can be divided and replanted to fill in more areas. It will take time for establishing  but having our own wetland is awesome!


Mike Clark

Head of Maintenance

Parent Volunteer Afternoon Tea

Each year we are very blessed to have the support and assistance of many parents, guardians, grandparents, family and friends. This assistance may have been through attending a working bee, helping in the classroom, on an excursion or camp, assisting in the library or behind the scenes, even serving on the PFA or College Board.


The staff greatly appreciate this involvement in the College and would like to provide our parent volunteers with a special complementary afternoon tea as a small token of our appreciation. We therefore invite you to join us on Friday 6 December, from 2:40pm to 3:25pm in the Salt Café, for a delicious afternoon tea prepared by our Hospitality students and department.


Please take note of the details below and RSVP by Monday 2 December to the College office on 8551 6650 or at office@hcc.vic.edu.au. We hope to see many of you there.


Phil Eastman

Head of Campus

2019 HCC PFA Christmas Bake Sale

The last event for the PFA this year is our Christmas Bake Sale. It will be held on Friday 6 December from 3:00pm to 4:00pm in the auditorium. 


There will be lots of yummy Christmas themed goodies baked fresh for you to purchase. Come along and snap up some sweet treats or gifts for others.


All profit made from every PFA event goes directly back into the College for the benefit of the students.


We wish you a blessed and safe Christmas.


Renee Carter

PFA President on behalf of the PFA

Secondary  (Year 7-9) Curriculum Day: 3 Dec

Dear Parent/Guardians

Please be informed that there will be no school for Year 7 to 9 students on Tuesday 3 December. Normal classes will continue as usual for Prep to Grade 6 students. Thank you.

Presentation Night 2019 Tickets

Presentation Night is fast approaching and is the biggest and most important event on the College calendar. It is always a very special and memorable night. We are once again holding Presentation Night offsite at Kingston Arts Centre/Kingston City Hall (corner Nepean Hwy and South Road in Moorabbin) and it is on Wednesday 4 December at 7:00pm. Presentation Night is for all students and families of HCC from Prep-Year 12, every student is expected to attend.


We are expecting a large crowd and have taken steps to allocate seating in a fairway. Everyone attending Presentation Night will be required to book and pay for a seat, except for current HCC students. You do not need to purchase seats for any children attending the school, as they have already been allocated seating with their fellow class students and teacher.


This year, we are again offering an optional early exit for students in Prep-Grade 2. To give parents of the younger children the option of an earlier night for the children. If parents choose to leave at this exit time, we request that you do so quickly and quietly. This will be at approximately 8:15pm, at the end of the Primary awards. The expected finish time of Presentation Night is 9:30pm.


Ticket Sales Information


The booking of seats will be handled by Kingston Arts Centre, not the College. The cost of staging Presentation Night is considerable, necessitating a charge of $12 per seat. We have maintained the cost of seats as the same price since 2017.


  • Tickets went on sale on Wednesday 13 November from 10:00am.
  • Tickets are ALLOCATED (numbered) seats. Consequently, it is a good idea to know exactly how many tickets you require at the time of booking. Booking extra tickets later means there is no guarantee that all your seats will be together. Previous experience has been that about two-thirds of tickets available are sold on the first day when ticket sales open.


  • Ticket prices are $12.00. No concession, student or child price tickets.
  • Children under 2 years are free if seated on an adult’s knee.

Ticket Booking Options:

1) eTicket

2) Collect from Venue Box Office prior to performance

3) Standard mail – tickets will only be posted if purchased 10 business days prior to event. Otherwise, tickets will need to be collected from the Box Office prior to performance


  • Counter Sales: at Kingston Arts Centre. The Box Office is located on the ground floor foyer of the Kingston City Hall, Cnr South Road and Nepean Highway, Moorabbin. You may pay by cash, credit cards, cheque or EFTPOS at the counter.
  • Phone Sales: Box Office number is 9556 4440 (press 1 for the Box Office). Please have your credit card ready. Please note that credit card bookings over the phone incur a $3 booking fee, regardless of the number of tickets being purchased. Please have your credit card ready.
  • By Post: using cheque or money order. Tickets may be reserved over the phone and held for 3 working days, in which time Kingston Arts Centre must receive a cheque or money order for the tickets. Cheques or money orders should be made out to Kingston Arts Centre and posted directly to them at 979-985 Nepean Highway, Moorabbin 3189.


Box Office: Opening hours on Friday 9 November are 10:00am – 4:30pm. All other days, the Box Office is open Monday to Friday 9:00am – 4:30pm.


Please note: All tickets purchased within 10 business days of the Presentation Night will be held at the box office for collection prior to or on the day. A $5 fee will apply for any lost tickets that require reprinting (at the discretion of the Box Office).




An important part of Presentation Night is the awarding of various prizes. Each year people in the HCC community are given the opportunity to sponsor a prize at Presentation Night at the cost of $30. Sponsor names are acknowledged in the Presentation Night program or you may wish to do this anonymously.


If you would like to sponsor an award/awards, please contact the College office on 8551 6650 or email us at office@hcc.vic.edu.au. Businesses are welcome to sponsor awards.




There is very limited car parking available beneath the Town Hall and this year it will be prioritized for disabled parking and families with a family member of limited mobility. If this applies to your family, please email the College office requesting a reserved parking spot. This will need to be done by Wednesday 27 November. For more information, please refer to the Compass Newsfeed published yesterday (Thursday 21 November).


It promises to be a great night once again and we are looking forward to seeing you as we celebrate all that has been achieved in the lives of our students in 2019.


Peter Cliffe

Executive Principal

Hosting Spiny Leaf Insects on School Holiday



Would you like to take our two Spiny Leaf Insects home during the school holidays?



We have a small tank for them to live in, and they only require fresh eucalyptus leaves once a week, plus a spray of water in the tank every couple of days.


If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me at sarah.bergen@hcc.vic.edu.au. Thank you.


Sarah Bergen

Lab Technician