From the Head of Campus' Desk

Dear Parents/Guardians
Strategic priorities, Health and Wellbeing at HCC, and Staffing changes for 2020
In the last newsletter, I mentioned that the board has endorsed our 5 new strategic priorities that will form the basis for our new strategic plan. These priorities are:
- Faith in Action
- Learning and Creativity
- Growing Leaders
- Health and Wellbeing
- Innovation and Enterprise
Each of these priorities will have a series of goals and actions that we will plan to implement over the next 4 years of the strategic plan, all designed to help us grow and develop our students, staff and our community to fulfill the vision of the College to be people who are, “Growing in faith, Striving for excellence, Influencing the world”. We will unveil these strategic priorities more in 2020, however, I would like to expand on one of the priorities, 'Health and Wellbeing', in a bit more detail here.
Several weeks ago, the Productivity Commission released its draft report into Mental Health in Australia. Here’s some of the points included in the report;
- The report talks about a generational shift being required.
- 1 in 5 Australian’s experience mental illness.
- 75% of those who develop mental illness have their first experience before they turn 25.
- The cost to the Australian economy of mental ill-health and suicide is, conservatively, in the order of $43 to $51 billion per year.
The first reform area in the report looks at prevention and early intervention for mental illness and suicide, suggesting that strategies and programs need to begin in early childhood and be supported throughout the schooling years. The draft report recommends for schools to provide training for their staff in social-emotional wellbeing, proactive activities and services and dedicated staff focused on the mental health and wellbeing of students and programs.
Heatherton Christian College welcomes this report and is pleased to inform you that we are already working very actively in improving the Health and Wellbeing of our students and staff (in line with the 5 Foundations of a whole, healthy Heatherton Child framework), though we do acknowledge that we want to continue to improve the effectiveness of our programs to positively impact students, staff and parents.
Some of these areas at HCC are listed below, with those areas beginning this year marked by '2019';
- Chaplains available to all students for pastoral care 4 days per week.
- Chaplains available to all staff.
- The appointment of Primary and Secondary Heads of Student Wellbeing (2019).
- Appointment of Wellbeing Student Prefects (2019).
- Training in Youth Mental Health First Aid provided to 7 staff members of the Secondary school.
- Peer Support / Buddy Programs for Prep and Grade 6, and Year 7 and Year 12.
- Wellbeing Week to increase awareness of the importance of Wellbeing in the college (2019).
- Social-Emotional Wellbeing Surveys of the school student population to track trends and for planning proactive wellbeing activities.
- Curriculum focus areas on wellbeing (e.g. Healthy Choices / Synergy, Sport and PE, Boot Camp for Year 7 and VCE, Camps program from Grade 3 to Year 12, Home Rooms).
- Staff Professional Development and staff Wellbeing Team meetings.
- Wellbeing Coaches for Year 8 students (who help students to set some health and study goals) (2019).
Staffing changes for 2020
It is always with a measure of sadness that we announce staffing changes to take place for next year. Everyone at the College, staff and students alike, are all here for a season of time. Some of our much loved HCC staff were once much-loved teachers at other school(s) before joining us at HCC so change is an inevitable part of life in schools and beyond. All of these staff have made very positive contributions to our school community, some over a long period of time, and we certainly wish them well and pray that God will continue to use them in powerful ways in the places He is guiding them to. Staff who will be leaving us are;
Fairlie Marsland, Elbert Salim, Annette Betts, Rachel Kelly, Rebecca Gaskell.
We would also like to thank and acknowledge Carolanne Flowers and Dianne Patron who have been here for part of the year on replacement contracts - their contribution has been highly valued and much appreciated.
We look forward to welcoming the following new staff who will begin with us in 2020. Angelique Meyer-DuBruyn (Prep), Goretti Nip (Grade 4), Christina Douglas (Secondary Careers / Entrepreneurial studies), Sarah Peters (Secondary French / English), Tracy Ho (Business Management / Legal Studies / Maths), Kee Yong Li (Digital Technology / Computing).
We wish these staff well and our prayers are with them as they finish at their current positions and prepare for their work with us in 2020.
Phil Eastman
Head of Campus
Thank you to Rebecca Gaskell (Chaplain) who co-wrote the Wellbeing section.