
Return to School & Lockdown Arrangements

Unfortunately we return to school still in lockdown. I realise many felt this was expected, however it is still a very disappointing outcome for all.

As part of the DE&T system, we as a school, must comply with all directions, and we cannot operate outside these guidelines. So we have updated the community via SENTRAL and we ask our families make themselves familiar with this information.


Term four on-site and remote learning arrangements are available on the SENTRAL parent calendar.

Essential Workers

Families where both parents/carers are essential workers must provide a current up to date permit before access to on-site supervision can be provided. If there are additional families requiring access to on-site supervision, they will need to comply with our previous requirements; on-line form completed and an emailed copy of a current permit. 


All staff will be directed to follow relevant guidelines. As principal I can only direct staff to follow all expectations as directed by DET including vaccination requirements. This advice includes mask wearing, hand hygiene, and social distancing guidelines. 


Attendance at school will follow our pre-lockdown arrangements including: start / finish, and break times, and other matters. Students under the age of 12 years are not mandated to wear masks.

Parents & Visitors

Access to school buildings will be by appointment only. If parents need to drop off or collect their child inside school hours they must arranged by phone before accessing the building.

Further arrangements

As the school returns to on-site learning we will continue to update our community of any revision or change of arrangements as they become available from DET.